Midyear Reflection & Renewal

Episode 163 It’s almost the Winter Solstice here in the northern hemisphere ~ the longest night and the shortest day of the year. I love the quiet, reflective quality of this season. It’s the ideal time for…

How to Deal with Your Own Anger

Episode 151 Today on the podcast, we’re talking about anger. I know this isn’t always an easy topic. But it’s a super important one. Because as parents, we get angry sometimes. Let’s talk about how to deal with…

What's Your Self-Care Plan?

Episode 148 How would I have responded if you’d asked me early on in my homeschooling journey, “Jean, what’s your self-care plan?“ “Self-care…what’s that? A self-care plan? Who are you kidding?“ Because I was always last on…

Your Inspired Homeschool

Episode 144 Hello there and welcome! In this episode of the Art of Homeschooling podcast, I want to talk about inspiration, specifically your inspired homeschool.  I’ve just returned home from Taproot 2023, a live in-person retreat and…

How to Tell Your Homeschool Story

Episode 136 Today on the Art of Homeschooling podcast, we’re delving into the value of your homeschool story. And examining the stories we tell ourselves about not only ourselves, but also our children, our families, and our…

My Reset Routine

Episode 125 I’m recording this episode on the first day of spring here in the northern hemisphere. And I am craving a fresh start, a reset. So I thought I’d share my simple reset routine with you….

Visualize What You Want

Episode 116 In my early years of parenting and homeschooling, I found feelings of empowerment and positivity SO lacking and I often felt SO anxious. I didn’t know how to bring a sense of positive momentum into…

It’s OK to Take Time for Yourself

Episode 115 In this episode of the podcast, I want to remind you, homeschooling parent, that it’s OK to take time for yourself! Recently, I’ve been thrown back into full-on caregiving mode because my husband, Brian, had…