Episode 163
It’s almost the Winter Solstice here in the northern hemisphere ~ the longest night and the shortest day of the year. I love the quiet, reflective quality of this season. It’s the ideal time for midyear reflection and renewal in your homeschooling.
When we take time for thoughtful reflection, we can discover so many beautiful insights. This can help us move forward with more ease, confidence, and self-compassion.
We all have a tendency to bounce from one thing to another. Without pause or breath or reflecting at all. But this can lead to experiencing micro-anxieties all day long. Those little niggling thoughts and questions that cycle through our minds, the constant brain chatter.
Pausing to reflect can help you to focus on how you feel and consider how homeschooling is going, without all the judgment or anxiety.
Reflecting is about quieting the mind chatter and taking time to think about what went well and what was challenging. It’s a simple practice through which you can rediscover your inspiration and hope.
Midyear Reflection for Homeschoolers
As you look back upon the past few months or the first half of the year, here are some questions to guide your reflections. Writing your thoughts down will deepen this process. Or discuss your answers with a friend, partner, mentor, or supportive homeschooling community.
Questions for reflecting back on your homeschool:
- What went well in the last week, month, or season?
- What challenges have I experienced?
- What three things am I most grateful for?
Renew Your Homeschooling Inspiration
And now, here are some questions to consider looking forward:
- What do I sense my children need in the coming week, month, or season?
- What could I simplify in our homeschooling?
A Ritual for Midyear Reflection and Renewal
The Winter Solstice is an opportunity to look back to look forward. It’s a time to reflect and celebrate before moving on.
Try this simple, yet beautiful ritual for this midyear reflection and renewal.
After considering the reflection and renewal questions listed above, write down one challenge that you’re ready to let go of or move on from. Write it on a small slip of scrap paper. Then prepare a way to let go of this challenge by burning this scrap of paper.
Let the fire in your fireplace, woodstove, or outdoor fire circle transform this challenge and release it to the earth and sky. Even if you don’t have a fireplace or fire circle, you can place this scrap of paper in a glass or ceramic dish, carry the dish outside, and carefully light the scrap, watching it burn until nothing is left but ash. And your reflections have been released with the smoke.
So simple, yet so powerful when you take the time to move through a ritual like this midyear reflection and renewal.
After looking forward and considering your children’s needs in the coming days, weeks, and months, choose a word or simple phrase to represent your renewed hope for your homeschooling. Write this on another scrap of paper, but this time, tape or clip it where you’ll see it every day. Maybe in your planning binder, sketchbook, notebook, kitchen cabinet, vanity mirror, or night table.
Whatever you choose to do, I hope this has given you some ideas for reflection to incorporate into your homeschooling. I encouraged you to embrace the opportunity for reflection, quiet, warmth, and connecting more deeply with your family and kiddos.
What Others Have to Say About Reflection and Renewal
“What I love about reflecting is it gives me the space to see all the learning that has taken place and allows me to visualize the future more clearly and have more intentionality. “
Reflecting on my homeschooling has “…helped me clarify so much of what has happened in our homeschooling days and how to move forward. This helps strengthen me as a teacher and mother.”
“When I reflect, I feel a sense of awe for what my children are doing.”
Set Aside Some Time for Reflection and Renewal
I hope you feel encouraged to set aside time for reflection and renewal this holiday season. And if you want to join a warm and welcoming community of homeschoolers so you can reflect in a group, check out Inspired at Home where we have group coaching calls every month plus a library with a treasure trove of masterclasses to give you guidance in your homeschooling
Above all, remember to be gentle with your beautiful, heart-centered self. Our world needs you! 💜
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