Fresh Start Energy

Episode 212 Harness the energy of a fresh start to transform your homeschooling journey this year. In this episode of the podcast, Jean shares three new strategies to kindle your inner spark and inspiration after a transition…

Making Time to Rest

Episode 211 The holiday season can be extra crazy for homeschooling families. But along with the preparations and festivities, do you crave a little time to pause and rest? You might feel like it’s not even possible!…

The Power of Reflection

Episode 205 Have you ever considered the power of reflection? Reflection can truly transform your homeschooling journey. In this episode, you’ll hear how reflection uncovers new possibilities and cultivates gratitude, leading to significant breakthroughs and increased compassion…

Mindful Mothering

Episode 181 As I’m recording this episode of the Art of Homeschooling podcast, Mother’s Day is on the horizon here in the U.S. So in celebration, we’re exploring the idea of mindful mothering. Listen in for three…

Setting Boundaries

Episode 176 Today’s podcast here at the Art of Homeschooling is taking an honest look at setting boundaries. Setting boundaries in a healthy way, with kindness and compassion, takes some practice. It’s often one of the hardest…

The Spectrum of Perfectionism

Episode 164 Today on the podcast, we’re taking a look at the spectrum of perfectionism and how to navigate the delicate balance between anxiety-driven striving, paralyzing fear of failure, and also healthy artistry in living life. Perfectionism…