Reset with Tea + Poetry

I’m recording this episode on the first day of spring here in the northern hemisphere. And I am craving a fresh start, a reset. So I thought I’d share my simple reset routine with you.

Maybe you’re in need of something like this right about now, too. And if not, you can save these ideas for sometime down the road when you need a reset routine, a little boost to your energy, an influx of self-love so that you can fill your own cup.

Whether it’s at the start of a new week, month, or season, you can begin with a sense of renewal and hope.

Check in with Yourself

Even though we have snow on the ground here, the sky is blue and the sun is shining. And there are so many birds about!

Just at this very moment, I can look out my window and see chickadees, a cardinal, a red-headed woodpecker, sparrows, a tufted titmouse, and a junco.

I love these first signs that spring is coming!

This year, the arrival of spring is coinciding with a few tough months for my family.

My husband has lost two very close friends within 3 months of each other, and he also had foot surgery. In addition, a first cousin of mine passed away. So that’s 3 deaths in 3 months. For the past two weeks, a dear friend from out of town has been staying with us while her husband had open-heart surgery at a local hospital. It’s been a lot – a lot of grief and emotions and holding the space for everyone. 

And it’s got me thinking about my homeschooling days because it feels similar. Especially being the anchor for my family as the homeschooling parent.

Sometimes there is so much going on in our lives and in our world that it feels like just being a human takes all of our energy. But then add on parenting and schooling. Oh my!

So today, I just want to give you permission to check in with YOU and see how you’re doing today. Right now. 

So often we tend to give and give and give. Always checking in on everyone else. So much so that we might even miss the cues of exhaustion and fatigue and depletion in ourselves.

When we get to this place, a reset routine can help us get back on track.

My Reset Routine

So for me, on this first day of spring, I decided to think about a reset and the simplest way to renew my energy.

My simple reset routine includes mindset, poetry, and tea. So simple!

Here are the mindset shifts that I’m embracing today:

  • Gratitude as the starting point. To appreciate what we have. Notice the “little things” because they’re not just little things.
  • Trust that you’ll be ok and that you’ll get through this. We don’t always see the whole picture. And that’s ok. We can pause, and even take a break from homeschooling to check in with ourselves.
  • The way to recharge is through rest. Not just rest for your body, but rest for your soul, too. Music that soars out into the universe and touches your heart can be restful. And so can poetry.
  • Instead of trying so hard, just allow. Let things unfold naturally.

Those are my guides right now: gratitude, trust, rest, and allowing.

I’m grateful for the green shoots poking up through the snow, my dog Gus coming by for a snuggle, and the honeysuckle jasmine candle burning on my desk. 

Tea + Poetry

What I come back to again and again when I need to reset is a hot cup of tea and a poem.

Basically, this was my entire inner work practice in the early years of our homeschooling.

And it’s what I come back to even now when I need the simplest version of a fresh start that I can find.

So today, I started with a hot cup of Earl Grey tea. And this poem ~ one of my favorites ~ from Emily Dickinson. 

“Hope” is the thing with feathers by Emily Dickinson

“Hope” is the thing with feathers –
That perches in the soul –
And sings the tune without the words –
And never stops – at all –

And sweetest – in the Gale – is heard –
And sore must be the storm –
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm –

I’ve heard it in the chillest land –
And on the strangest Sea –
Yet – never – in Extremity,
It asked a crumb – of me.

Here’s a simple inner work practice to try with tea + poetry:

While you are steeping a cup of your favorite tea, find a poem that speaks to your heart at this moment. Copy the poem down an index card, watercolor paper, or scrap of colored paper.

Next, hold that warm cup of tea in your hands, close your eyes for a few breaths, then read or recite the poem slowly and meditatively.

It’s really that simple. I think you’ll be amazed at how rejuvenating this feels.

I hope this episode has helped you recognize that you need love and care. And the best person to give that to you is YOU.

Do you have a reset routine? Will you try these simple ideas when you need to refresh and recharge? I hope so!

More Ideas to Support You, Dear Homeschooling Parent

Start your homeschooling day with a simple morning routine just for you! A routine that will support and sustain you through all the ups and downs of homeschooling. Hear more on episode #13, Create a Simple Morning Routine for a Strong Start to Your Day. 

Every year in my Inspired at Home membership, I lead a deep dive into inner work for the homeschooling parent. We’ll be doing this in April. Inspired at Home is a support community with over 30 self-paced masterclasses, monthly coaching calls, and a private Facebook group for Q&A. Find out more today!

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