Search Results for: rhythm

Easily Focus on Waldorf Painting and Drawing with Waldorfish

Easily Focus on Waldorf Painting and Drawing with Waldorfish

When I talk to parents about planning main lesson blocks, they often ask, “How can I easily focus on Waldorf painting and drawing?” Here’s how the conversation usually goes. I am explaining the 3-part lesson in a 2-day rhythm like this, “on Day One, you present new material with a story, and then you paint…

How Do I Begin Planning My Waldorf Homeschooling Year?

How Do I Begin Planning My Waldorf Homeschooling Year?

What exactly is involved in homeschool planning?  And how do I begin planning my Waldorf homeschooling year? In my experience, we tend to fall into an illusion that once we choose our curriculum, we’re done! But the truth is, that’s just the beginning. Almost every curriculum I’ve seen has too much in it. I understand…

Taproot Teacher Training Reflections in their Words

In Their Words: Reflections on Taproot Teacher Training

I always love reviewing the feedback surveys from Taproot. These are honest and heartfelt reviews by participants of our time together at this annual live event, a weekend training experience for Waldorf homeschoolers. Here are some Taproot Teacher Training reflections in their words. Check out details of the next Taproot Teacher Training here.  Maybe this is…

Use the Curriculum and Resources You Already Have

Use the Curriculum and Resources You Already Have

Finding curriculum and resources for Waldorf homeschooling is challenging. I would venture to guess that we all have full bookshelves. There’s nothing wrong with this at all! But I would also venture to guess that all of those resources and curricula might not give you exactly what you’re looking for.  Oftentimes, we continue searching even after…

Reflections from two Waldorf homeschooling Moms/teachers on Steiner's advice of developing our children's whole beings - mind, body and soul - in education. Holistic homeschooling.

Strengthening Their Bodies, Not Just Their Minds

In lecture twelve from The Foundations of Human Experience, Rudolf Steiner talks about the wonder of the human being. He explains that “If we want to understand the interactions between human beings and their physical surroundings, we must delve into the essence of the natural kingdoms.” This provides the foundation for holistic homeschooling that Waldorf…