Do you ever have one of those days when things don’t go as planned?

Where you don’t get started when you intended to. Then you don’t do the lesson you planned. And you don’t feel very good about any of it. And then you yell.

Do you ever have one of those days?

I was having a conversation this morning with a few friends about “the burden of our thinking.” We were talking about ways to stay in the moment. Ways to stay present to whatever life is bringing our way.

And one of the worst parts about things not going as planned is that we judge ourselves. We often judge ourselves very harshly.

I think that’s when we yell.

And as my friend Sheila always says, “There will be yelling.”

What if instead we practiced being gentle with ourselves? We developed a stress-relief practice so that we could be more present. And be more likely to remember that our desire is to be gentle with ourselves! To forgive ourselves when things go awry. And feel motivated to get things back on track.

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Good Ways to Relieve Stress for Homeschooling Moms

Good Ways to Relieve Stress as a Homeschooling Mom

My first piece of advice: decide ahead of time what you’ll do when your day starts to tank! 

Years ago, I created a list like this for myself:

What to Do When All Seems Lost!

I kept a copy in my planning binder. And one particularly rough year, I even hung a copy inside the cabinet where I keep the mugs and tea.  So that I would remember to go outside. To make a cup of tea. To listen to a podcast or meditation. To take a nap. And to move my body!

That last one, movement for me, is so critical to my mood. When I get busy, helping others, working on a project, doing all the things a mother is supposed to do every day…I often forget to move. I just get into that head down, push through space.

And what a good way to relieve stress as a homeschooling Mom.

Want learn from my favorite Healthy Moving coach?

Jen Hoffman, founder of Healthy Moving (and a fellow Waldorf homeschooler), has put together a Healthy Moving Stress Relief Bundle.

Looking for some natural ways to relieve stress while boosting your immune system this cold and flu season? Be sure to add Healthy Moving to your vitamin and supplement plan! This bundle has four different classes of yoga and exercise flows to help support your immune function and lower stress. 

Stress Relief Bundle - Four Classes to Boost Immune Function & Reduce Stress

Here’s what you get in the bundle – so much variety and a range of movement resources depending on how much time you have.

  • one-hour Stress Relief Class
  • 30-minute Immune Boosting Flow Class (One of my favorite classes! Do it when you feel a cold coming on, it really works!)
  • Resting Action Pack – with 5 poses. Each pose includes a short (8-10 minute) video.
  • Short practice (8 minutes) for Neck & Shoulder Tension
  • Single pose (3 minutes) Balancing Pose for Stress Relief

So much goodness in this bundle with enough variety for you to choose what works best to weave movement into your day.

Our jobs as homeschooling Moms are so very important. And they’re not easy.

Sometimes, it’s a matter of hitting the reset button on your own morning routine. And yes, I mean a routine or rhythm that’s just for you!

Check out episode #13 on the Art of Homeschooling Podcast, Create a Simple Morning Routine for a Strong Start to Your Homeschooling Day. Because getting back to DOABLE with homeschooling starts with a nourishing morning routine for YOU and unfolds from there with a strong daily rhythm for your children and family.

Here are two other posts I recommend to you:

Tools for Self-Care for Homeschooling Mamas

7 Powerful Mantras for Waldorf Homeschooling Moms

What do you find works best for good ways to relieve stress as a homeschooling Mom?


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