Getting your rhythm back after a break – whether it be a vacation or holiday – is never easy. I have some concrete ideas for how to reestablish your homeschool rhythm after a holiday. Some simple steps you can take to get your momentum back.

As I write this, it’s the week between Christmas and New Year’s. One of my very favorite times of the year with shorter days and longer nights, a time when the world seems to truly slow down. We have more than six inches of snow on the ground too, which adds to the peacefulness.

My three kids are all (almost) grown and flown at this point. And two are home for a wonderful visit this week! My husband and I are officially “empty nesters” now.

But oh do I remember that feeling of heaviness during my homeschooling years at this season. For over twenty years! How am I going to get back to homeschooling next week? How do I get my homeschool rhythm back after a holiday break? 

Feelings of overwhelm (even dread, at times) can distill my brain to mush. Does that happen to you, too? And then I just can’t remember how I ever managed it all. How do I pull a lesson together? How do I get everyone fed? What’s for dinner anyway?

I honestly think our minds go blank. It seems impossible to remember how we managed it all just a few weeks ago.

Get Your Homeschool Rhythm Back After a Holiday

If you’re anything like me, and wondering where to start, here are my suggestions. As you’ve probably heard me say before, we have to keep simplifying until it works. Especially during times of overwhelm. Then add back from there.

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How to Get Back Your Homeschool Rhythm After a Holiday in 3 Simple Steps

1. Start with mealtimes. That’s right, plan your meals for the next week.

2. Decide on your main lesson bock(s).

3. Choose your stories, verses, and songs.

That’s it!

I do recommend that you do these 3 simple steps in order!

Get my new rhythm guide, Homeschool Rhythm Starter Kit, to learn how to embrace rhythm, design your day so it works for you, and create a visual to keep you on track..

I learned how to simplify and create doable change from Kim John Payne, author of the book Simplicity Parenting. (In fact, I loved this book so much that in 2015, I became a certified Simplicity Parenting Family Coach! I incorporate all of these simplifying strategies into my work with homeschooling parents like you.)

In his book, Payne talks about mealtimes as anchor points throughout our day. He suggests that the first place to start strengthening your daily rhythm is with mealtimes. 

For me, that means meal planning. Because when I have a plan for the food, I can pull the meal together and still be relaxed enough once I get to the table to enjoy time with my children and family!

Is meal planning where you need to start?

Plan to Eat, an online meal planning tool

Check out this post where I describe my meal planning process. I like to create theme nights so that I know where to start. Read all about that process in Menu Planning for Your Family Made Easy.

Want help planning lessons? In my online course + coaching program, Plan It Out, I walk you step-by-step through planning your year and blocks. You can work through the program at your own pace, get coaching and community, plus join in live every June. In this take-action program, you can create the foundation and rhythm for your main lesson blocks to help you feel confident and stay on track.

Most of all, know that you are not alone! Just about every homeschooler I know feels a bit (or a lot) draggy after a holiday break. 

Just remember to keep it simple and start small. Find what works and build from there.


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  1. Thank you
    Happy New Year
    Not ready for straining in February but am thinking about when and what could be useful to our area.

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