What exactly is involved in homeschool planning?  And how do I begin planning my Waldorf homeschooling year?

How Do I Begin Planning My Waldorf Homeschooling Year?In my experience, we tend to fall into an illusion that once we choose our curriculum, we’re done! But the truth is, that’s just the beginning.

Almost every curriculum I’ve seen has too much in it. I understand why. From a curriculum writer’s perspective, they want to create a thorough product and comprehensive experience. All while offering the homeschooling family some choices.

But unfortunately, the end result of purchasing a packaged curriculum is that we often feel inadequate, behind, and incapable of finishing.

As Waldorf homeschoolers, we need to get MUCH better at following Steiner’s advice to look at the children before us and craft the lessons that they need. We can do this!

But how?

Create a scaffolding for lessons based on Steiner’s concept of rhythm (yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily). Create a lesson planning template for yourself. Then set aside time a bit of time weekly to plan and prepare.

I know this is daunting in the early grades or when we’re new to this method and homeschooling. I’ve been there, believe me.

But I wish someone had told me these things back in the beginning. And reminded me of them each and every year.

Planning Truths for Waldorf Homeschooling

  • Homeschooling has to work for us (the Moms), too! It’s not just all about the kids.
  • Create a solid scaffolding before you begin planning the specifics of your lessons. This is best done before you start your year so that you have a framework for slotting your plans into.
  • Start with Steiner’s concept of rhythm.
  • Set aside two times for planning each week: Thursday or Friday evening to plan the following week, Saturday or Sunday afternoon to review those plans and check supplies.
  • Once a month, set aside a few hours to plan your next block in specifics.
  • Purchasing a curriculum is just the beginning. You still have to do your own planning!

How do I begin planning my Waldorf homeschooling year?

By creating the solid scaffolding first. This is fun to create, simple yet very concrete.

And if you want help, this is what I walk you through in my online group coaching program, Plan It Out. In just 3 weeks, with two action steps each week, you can create the framework for your entire year. Together, we work through the 6 steps to planning an awesome Waldorf homeschooling year.

I invite you to join my group coaching program, Plan It Out, to get this done! Your year will go so much more smoothly. Really.

We want homeschooling to be more fun. We want this to be more relaxing. With some planning ahead, this is possible.

You can work through the lessons in Plan It Out at your own pace. And then also join in the live run-through that I do every June. Click the link for details.

You might also be interested in reading this post: Use the Curriculum and Resources You Already Have for some more perspective on planning your Waldorf homeschooling year.

How do you plan for Waldorf homeschooling? I’d love to know what’s working for you and where you get stuck.


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