Search Results for: rhythm


There’s an art to this homeschool life. …and as I’m sure you know, art can get messy! I’m here to offer you the homeschooling guidance you need. HOMESCHOOLING GUIDANCE Homeschooling involves a little technique, a generous stroke of creativity, a dab of patience, and a big swirl of love to pull it all together. 🎨…


Ask Jean Anything!

Episode 52 I’m here to answer your questions, dear listeners! I’m celebrating the one-year anniversary of the Art of Homeschooling Podcast with an Ask Jean Anything episode! Recording my podcast every week for the past year has really been fun for me! And I love that I’ve found a way to reach all of you…


Top Five Episodes from Year One of the Art of Homeschooling Podcast

Episode 50 This is episode #50! Yes, I’m celebrating over here by recapping the top 5 episodes from the first year of the Art of Homeschooling Podcast!!! As I record this in the fall of 2021, we’re coming up on the ONE YEAR anniversary of the podcast! And…we just hit 20,000 downloads of the show!!!…


5 Things to Consider as You Start Homeschooling

Episode 45 Are you new to homeschooling? Maybe you’re asking yourself, “Should we homeschool this year?” Or perhaps stepping into a new season or year as an experienced homeschooler? Then come listen as I share 5 things to consider as you start homeschooling, wherever you are on the journey.   This episode of the Art of…


Bonus Episode: Taproot

Details About the Taproot Teacher Training + FAQs Today I want to tell you about one of my favorite weekends of the whole entire year: the Taproot Teacher Training for Homeschoolers. Taproot has happened every summer on the 1st weekend in August, for 14 years! Traditionally, Taproot has been an in-person event, but for two…


Getting Started with Homeschooling

Episode 40 Wondering about getting started with homeschooling? If so, then you’re in exactly the right place! Even if you’re a seasoned homeschooler, you’ll gain inspiration and discover some encouraging resources here.  This episode of the Art of Homeschooling podcast is a simple, practical overview of everything you might want to consider when you’re getting…