Celebrating Festivals as a Family

Episode 5 Whenever I ask my kids – I have 3 who are all grown now – to share their favorite memories from our homeschooling years, they always include something from our festival celebrations. Our lantern walks…

Relax Into Your Homeschool Rhythm

Episode 3 Rhythm is really all about organizing your homeschooling day. Think about music. Music is organized around repeated motifs that the listener anticipates. Rhythm and repetition allow you to relax into the flow. Just as music…

Homeschooling is a Journey

Episode 1 Homeschooling is a long game for sure, and sometimes we all need to be reminded of that. In Episode #1 of the Art of Homeschooling Podcast, you’re going to hear some highlights of my family’s…

Reassurance for Homeschoolers

My three children have all graduated now from high school and homeschooling. My husband and I are officially “empty nesters” after almost 30 years of parenting! And I will tell you that the adage “the days are long but…

A Steiner Verse for an Uncertain World

Waldorf education was created over 100 years ago by Rudolf Steiner. His motivation? To bring about social and economic renewal after the devastation of WWI. Waldorf education was created for healing. And in today’s world, I turn…