Episode 14

How can you tap into your superpower as a homeschooling parent? Here’s how: Rhythm + Inner Work = Your Superpower!

In this episode of the Art of Homeschooling podcast, I share with you some thoughts about why the combination of daily rhythm and inner work is so powerful.

Early on in my homeschooling journey, an instructor encouraged me to create a strong daily rhythm for my homeschooling and to build an inner work practice. So that I could strengthen my will and become a more capable teacher for my children. Whoa! This was not easy!

But when I began to follow this advice, I found that I was more inspired to get started and better able to show up.

I was able to take action to do what I had planned and I was more capable of following through and sustaining homeschool over the long-term.

And this is why I say your superpower is Rhythm + Inner Work.

We want to strengthen our will and tap into our superpower so that taking action becomes easier, so homeschooling flows more smoothly. How? Rhythm plus Inner Work!

It’s All About Rhythm & Inner Work

So, let’s discuss how you can tap into this magic! 

In this episode, you’ll hear what my simple definitions of rhythm and inner work are. I’ll share with you the benefits of strengthening your sense of rhythm and building an inner work practice. And give you three easy tips to start developing your own superpower.

You can find ideas and inspiration from this episode in the FREE PRINTABLE here.

Keep this mantra in mind: Start small until it works, and then add from there.

Find Your Superpower: 3 Simple Tips

  1. Recognize that there’s so much more to homeschooling than the curriculum and the supplies.
  2. Begin working on strengthening your will through consistently following your daily rhythm and taking a few minutes each day to practice inner work. 
  3. Enjoy the journey! Develop your superpower and enjoy changing and learning through the years of homeschooling just as your children do!

It’s a powerful combination, my friend! Rhythm + Inner Work = Your New Superpower!

Resources Mentioned in Episode #14

Insight Timer is an app with thousands of free guided mediations on topics like sleep, gratitude, letting go, parenting, and clarity. I love guided meditations and with Insight Timer, I can choose what I feel intuitively in need of in the moment.

Here’s my free rhythm guide, Homeschool Rhythm Starter Kit, to help you develop a weekly and daily rhythm that works for you. Embrace rhythm and create a visual rhythm chart with the guidance and examples here in the guide. 

Inner Work Journey 2021I’m leading a group of homeschooling mamas through this 12-week experience beginning on March 2nd. You’ll learn the tools and practices to strengthen your inner forces and feel capable, more creative, and confident as a homeschooling mom. If you’re interested (which I hope you are!), please join the waiting list.

About the Art of Homeschooling Podcast

The Art of Homeschooling Podcast is for parents who are ready to thrive in homeschooling. In each episode, we share stories and strategies so you can drop the overwhelm and get in touch with inspiration. You CAN create a homeschool life you love. 

I’m your host, Jean Miller, homeschooling mother of three now-grown children. And here at the Art of Homeschooling, we keep it sweet and simple so you can focus on cultivating creativity and connection at home.

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Rhythm + Inner Work = Your Superpower

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