Summertime is the perfect time to read a good book in the shade. Sunny days, slower schedules, and a break from formal lessons can be a much needed in-breath for families. Here are my personalized recommendations of…

Summertime is the perfect time to read a good book in the shade. Sunny days, slower schedules, and a break from formal lessons can be a much needed in-breath for families. Here are my personalized recommendations of…
There’s such a wide spectrum of family values when it comes to screens and devices in our children’s lives. And I think we’d all agree that we want wholesome media choices for children. As you may know,…
As the homeschooling mother of three (they’re all grown now!) and mentor here at Art of Homeschooling, I know how hard taking care of ourselves can be. But I just love the idea of radical self-compassion on…
Let’s talk about YOU and ME! As homeschooling moms, we’re on our own path of development right alongside our children. And in Waldorf education, the practice of personal development, self-care, and introspection is know as inner work….
One of my favorite books as a little girl was The Little Engine That Could. So, let’s talk about how this story relates to our mindset and to our thoughts and feelings as homeschooling moms. What can…
At the beginning of each year, I like to review the year that’s just ended and then look to the new one. A really fun and creative way to do this is by making a vision board…
Too many toys? Why not shift to non-toy gifts! It’s a great way to combat too much stuff and simplify this holiday season. Whether for birthdays or holidays, grandparents, aunts and uncles are often wondering what to…
Time to start thinking about the holidays! Do you feel tired and overwhelmed at just the thought of the holiday season? Today, I have some great tips to help you simplify your holidays for more connection with…
Art supplies make such great gifts! This gift guide for natural art & craft supplies is full of ideas for you and your children. Great for birthdays, Christmas or Chanukah, or the start of a new homeschooling…
I know it’s not quite December…yet. But it’s time to start thinking about your holiday game plan. Why? Because starting now on a few simple things will really help you craft a more meaningful and peaceful holiday…