Reassurance for Homeschoolers

My three children have all graduated now from high school and homeschooling. My husband and I are officially “empty nesters” after almost 30 years of parenting! And I will tell you that the adage “the days are long but…

Homeschooling from Home

Here we are in a whole new reality right now with this global pandemic. In this mini-training, Homeschooling from Home + the Unexpected Homeschooler, I offer you three simple and doable ideas for a way forward. Whether…

Love for all the Homeschooling Mamas

This beautiful post is by my dear friend and client, Eshanne Anderson. After attendance at the Waldorf Homeschool Conference 2019 in Atlanta.  Some love for homeschooling mamas, from one to another. Eshanne is a homeschooling mother, poet,…