Top 10 Posts of 2015

In reflecting back on the year 2015,  I am so very grateful to YOU, my readers, for being here. For reading, commenting, asking questions and walking alongside me on this adventure of Waldorf homeschooling. To each and…

Top 10 Posts of 2014 from Waldorf-Inspired Learning

I love this time of reflection during winter break. Among other things, I’ve been reflecting on this blog. I find it really satisfying to look back over 2014 and to realize that last year at this time,…

Inspiration Overwhelm

We all do it. We bring the inspiration overwhelm on ourselves. We keep searching and searching for the perfect resource when we already have all that we need. Right here, right now, we have enough. We don’t always…

Mama’s Road Trip

Have you taken a road trip by yourself as a Mama? I always cry. I’ve gone away by myself almost every year or every other since my oldest two were maybe 3 and 4 – so that’s…