The beginning of summer is so full of hope for fun and relaxation. Seriously, as homeschooling Moms, we are so ready for a break! But the summer can get away from us so quickly. Have you set your summer intentions as a homeschooling Mom yet?

We can taste that desire for relaxing in the shade with an iced tea or lemonade. But if we throw all structure out the window, we find that our children and our lives become unmanageable.

So what’s the answer? How can we do summer in a truly relaxed fashion?

Want support for homeschool planning this summer? Join Jean for her Plan It Out online course + coaching program offered every summer. Details here

Today, I have 6 tips for having a relaxed summer with your family.

Set Your Summer Intentions

But really, the first one is the very most important. Set an intention for yourself. How do you want to feel at the end of the summer?

Then, and only then, think about the rest of your family.

 1. Set Your Summer Intentions

I often begin to feel that pull for sipping my iced beverage under the apple tree sometime in May. But I’ve realized there’s somehow more to it than that. Yes, I want to slow down. And yes, I want to create more space to relax. 

But I don’t want to just be reactive, longing for spaciousness as an antidote to perhaps a tiring year. Or less than perfect homeschooling.

It’s not just about relaxing outdoors to escape feeling too busy or scattered.

We as Moms need to replenish our heart energy, to build up a source of energy that our hearts can tap into anytime. 

If my intention is to replenish my heart forces, how do I do that? And how do I make it a natural part of my daily life, part of my daily rhythm? 

I looked up the word “replenish” in the dictionary and here is what I found: to make full or complete again by furnishing a new supply.

Then I started reflecting on what Rudolf Steiner, the founder of Waldorf education, said about inner work.

Steiner believed that ancient peoples were capable of direct spiritual perception. But as rationality has developed, he says we have lost that ability. And this loss can lead to feelings of alienation. 

So, Steiner developed some exercises to help us reawaken our spiritual perception by working directly to improve:

  • Self-control over our thinking
  • Taking initiative
  • Equanimity (quieting our reactive emotions)
  • Positivity (seeing positive outcomes)
  • Open-mindedness, and
  • Harmony

Keep these in mind as you set your summer intentions.

Here is my reformulated summer intention after thinking about Steiner’s recommendations.

To replenish my heart forces in a way that helps me to quiet my reactive emotions and celebrate my life as it is right now!

Out of that intention, I have created this new summertime daily rhythm:

  • wake up and go for a walk, noticing all the natural beauty around me.
  • engage in heart-replenishing artistic activity every day (drawing, painting, writing, reading poetry).
  • take a break at “tea time” every afternoon under my apple tree or the front porch (a lovely spot in the rain) while consciously thinking of all that I’m grateful for.

Here are the other 5 tips for having a relaxing summer.

 2. Don’t do main lesson work during the summer. Everyone needs a break. If you have blocks you didn’t get to, consider sharing the stories but not doing main lesson book work.

 3. Do keep a steady rhythm going. We all benefit from a bit of rhythm. Check out this post for How to Create a Simple Summer Rhythm

 4. Choose your summer reading. Perhaps a novel or two for you, and some wonderful adventure stories to share with your children. Here are a few recommendations: Read-Aloud June.

 5. Spend as much time outdoor as you can. Hiking, biking, swimming, playing, gardening, picnicking. Enjoy the outdoors.

 6. Create a summer bucket list as a family. Get together and make a list of the fun things you hope to do this summer. Then every week, pick one to do! It really will add up to some wonderful memories by summer’s end. Check out my Summertime Pinterest board for ideas.

Have you set your summer intentions yet? Please share!


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  1. Thanks for the great ideas! I would never have thought to set intentions for the summer, but it does sound helpful.

  2. What a wonderful post! I haven’t thought about summer in this way before, and replenishing my heart energy is exactly what I need this year! Thank you for sharing these ideas!

    1. Thanks, Carly. I think we often feel like we wish we’d spent time replenishing after the fact! So let’s switch that around and think about how we want to feel at the end of the summer. Then make a few tweaks to get there. 🙂

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