
Practicing Gratitude Practicing gratitude builds a foundation for resiliency, happiness, and connection. It’s so true! As this episode goes live, it’s the week of Thanksgiving 2020 here in the U.S.  Happy Thanksgiving to those who are celebrating!…

What is Inner Work Anyway?

Let’s talk about YOU and ME! As homeschooling moms, we’re on our own path of development right alongside our children. And in Waldorf education, the practice of personal development, self-care, and introspection is know as inner work….

Self-Care Is NOT Selfish

True self-care is hard. We have so many responsibilities as parents. There are the things we’re happy to do. And we get busy with those. And then there are all the things we have to do. As a…

Peace Quote

I have a refrigerator magnet with this quote. It is such a good reminder that no matter what is going on around me, I can still have inner peace. Be calm in your heart.  As homeschooling Moms,…

Inner Quiet

Are things around you a bit chaotic? Perhaps you’re starting a new year. Or your children are challenging you in new ways. Or crazy things are happening in the world and you’re feeling rattled. No matter what…