True self-care is hard. We have so many responsibilities as parents.

There are the things we’re happy to do. And we get busy with those.

And then there are all the things we have to do.

As a parent, and a homeschooling parent at that, most of these things usually mean doing for others.

It’s hard to switch gears and focus on ourselves. So we often just avoid that. After all, we’d never want to be selfish!

But here’s the thing.

Self-care is NOT selfish. It’s essential for homeschooling Moms.

Self-care is actually a necessary requirement for being of service to others.

We can’t help anyone else if we aren’t feeling good, full of energy, and in a position to help.

Self-Care is NOT Selfish. It's essential for homeschooling Moms.

And yet it’s still hard. I know.

Self-care so often takes a back seat. (This is something I still struggle with and my children are mostly grown!)

So what do we do?

3 Steps to Create a Self-Care Plan

Step One:

Recognize that self-care is necessary in order for us to do the job of parenting and homeschooling. It’s necessary in order to fulfill on the occupation we have chosen for ourselves!

Step Two:

Find a simple way to begin. Perhaps choose one area per month to go along with your block plan. Here are some options: healthy eating, healthy moving, meditation, good sleep, creative expression (for you).

Step Three:

Figure out how to start small and find success. Because we won’t keep going if we don’t have some success.

Choose just ONE area to focus on for a month or so. That’s right, just one! It’s the “one thing” principle.

Perhaps you choose healthy eating and decide to do some food prep (like chopping vegetables) on Sundays.

Or you choose meditation and you decide to pick a 10-minute meditation to listen to every day while you drink your morning coffee or tea.

Here are a few posts with more ideas for you.

Tools for Self-Care for Homeschooling Mamas

11 Solutions for Healthy Sleep

Whatever it is you feel motivated to do, know that you’re not alone in this struggle.

And that as mothers, we all feel challenged by the task of taking care of ourselves.

It starts with embracing the concept. And then choosing one small thing that we can focus on and weave into our days in the simplest possible way.

Let me know what you choose!

Want to join a small group of homeschooling moms on a 12-week Inner Work Journey so you can stop leaving yourself out of the equation? In this course, you’ll learn how to live from a place of acceptance and possibility so you can finally feel like YOU are exactly what your children need. 


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  1. This is a fantastic post Jean, as are the other posts you link within. I found a lot of help in the “Tools for Self Care” post, and like you, my children are grown! Thank you for so openly sharing your journey and your advice. I’m grateful!

    Enjoy this day 🙂

    1. One more thing (and I hate to ask) but would you be willing to send me the checklist for the 12 Lively Arts again? My computer got wiped and I really would love to have it handy, I enjoy reading it! This time though… I’m printing it out!

      Thanks very much – for all you do! Im grateful!

    2. Thank you, Penny! And yes, whether our children are young or grown, we still need to practice self-care. Once a Mama, always a Mama. And if Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy. 🙂

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