Circle Time is ubiquitous in preschools across the world. In the Waldorf schools, Circle Time is even continued into the grades. But one question I get a lot is this: Can you do Circle Time at home?…

Circle Time is ubiquitous in preschools across the world. In the Waldorf schools, Circle Time is even continued into the grades. But one question I get a lot is this: Can you do Circle Time at home?…
This is a guest post by Sarah Barrett, homeschooling mother of two and founder of The Dreamers’ School, a Waldorf-inspired homeschooling enrichment program in Atlanta, GA. I invited Sarah to share her experience starting Waldorf enrichment programs for…
Spring has sprung! And I have some ideas to help you celebrate with your children, your family and friends, or as part of your own inner work. Here are some verses and songs to welcome spring. Every…
I always love reviewing the feedback surveys from Taproot. These are honest and heartfelt reviews by participants of our time together at this annual live event, a weekend training experience for Waldorf homeschoolers. Here are some Taproot Teacher…
I can’t believe I’m writing my very last Homeschool Day in the Life. My youngest is a senior this year. So here it is, my Homeschool Day in the Life with a senior in high school. …
You know the saying, one size fits all? SO, I was thinking about Waldorf curriculum and changed that saying in my head to one size fits most. Or one size fits some. But really, the truth is,…
“Fear is the cheapest room in the house. I would like to see you living in better conditions.” ~Hafiz Need some strategies for how to face homeschooling fears? Read on! Here in the northern hemisphere, it’s early…
I love the week between Christmas and New Year’s. Time just seems to slow down and I always forget what day it is! A great time for reflection, when one year is ending and a new one…
Gift giving and receiving can be problematic in families. Seems a bit ironic when we’re trying to simplify and build a home environment based on love and gratitude. But every year around the winter holidays, I get…
The month of December, with all of the holidays and hype, can get crazy for homeschoolers. What I always wanted in the early years was a simplified homeschooling rhythm for December. I’ve learned in my twenty+ years…