Have you ever wondered why and how Waldorf families celebrate Michaelmas?

Whether you are new to Waldorf or a seasoned veteran, you may have pondered this question.

I’ve wondered this myself over the years. So I did a little digging to round up some ideas for you. 

How & Why Waldorf Families Celebrate Michaelmas

To me, this time of year around the Equinox is one where we begin to feel the darker months on the horizon. We celebrate the harvest and begin to think of gathering in, nesting. 

So whatever you may call your Fall celebration, there is so much richness here for us to explore. My favorite name to call this festival is the Celebration of Strength and Courage.

Why Waldorf Families Celebrate Michaelmas

If you want to explore the why, start with this article on Why Do Waldorf Schools Celebrate Michaelmas. This is a wonderful explanation by David Mitchell about overcoming our inner dragons with consciousness. Each of us has the task to strive for the good, to feed the forces for good within us. To tame the dragon!

And here is an insightful article over on the Lifeways website about doing our own inner work at this time: Celebrating Michaelmas and Slaying My Own Dragons.

Want to dig more deeply into what Steiner said about Michaelmas? Here is a free book online called Michaelmas, an Introductory Reader, a collection of lectures and comments that Rudolf Steiner said about this time of year.

How Waldorf Families Celebrate Michaelmas

And now for the how! Below you’ll find a collection of fun ideas and ways you might celebrate, including crafts, food, activities, verses, songs, and a story.

Let’s start with the story.

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I just love this version of Kenneth Graehme’s The Reluctant Dragon illustrated by Michael Hague.

You might also share the story of St. George and the Dragon. Here is one told in verse, Second Grade Michaelmas Play. (Scroll to the bottom of p. 3)

Here are three different descriptions of how Waldorf families have celebrated Michaelmas.

And now for some fun ways to round out your celebration.

And be sure to check out this article all about Celebrating Festivals as a Family for more ideas year-round.

Whether simple or elaborate, with just your family or beyond…

May your celebration of the season be full of strength and courage as we all strive together toward the good.


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