No Perfect Home Educators!

Episode 118 What if I told you there’s no such thing as a perfect teacher? Seriously. Not in a classroom, not in a homeschool. Not anywhere! And there are no perfect home educators. Consider this…What do you…

Visualize What You Want

Episode 116 In my early years of parenting and homeschooling, I found feelings of empowerment and positivity SO lacking and I often felt SO anxious. I didn’t know how to bring a sense of positive momentum into…

It’s OK to Take Time for Yourself

Episode 115 In this episode of the podcast, I want to remind you, homeschooling parent, that it’s OK to take time for yourself! Recently, I’ve been thrown back into full-on caregiving mode because my husband, Brian, had…

Finding Your Daily Anchor Points

Episode 114 Today on the podcast, I want to offer you a new idea to help you embrace the natural flow of the homeschooling life and seek simplicity in your daily rhythm. Let’s talk about how to…

Window Star Challenge

Episode 112 Hey there, my friend, and welcome to Episode 112! It’s time for our annual Window Star Challenge. And I want to start off this with a confession: I’m not always good at slowing down or…

10 December Homeschooling Tips

Episode 111 Recently, I asked my homeschooling buddies to share their December homeschooling tips. And today, I’m sharing them all with you! So listen up and follow along with the show notes for some tried-and-true homeschooling advice…