Episode 133

The beginning of summer is so full of hope for fun and relaxation. But the summer can get away from us so quickly. And even devolve into a bit of a messy tangle pretty darn fast. That’s why in today’s episode, I’m inviting you to take a minute to get clear on how you want your summer to go.

But seriously, as homeschooling parents, we are so ready for a break! So here’s my question for you: Have you set any summer intentions yet?

If we throw all structure out the window, we find that our children and our lives become unmanageable. Even a bit chaotic and stressful.

So what’s the answer? How can we do summer in a truly relaxed fashion?

In this episode of the Art of Homeschooling podcast, I have 6 tips for having a relaxed summer with your family. And with these six tips, you can find the balance you’re craving between structure and freedom.

Let’s dive in.

 Set Your Summer Intentions

The first tip is the most important one!

Set an intention for yourself. How do YOU want to feel at the end of the summer?

Then, and only then, you can think about the rest of your family.

I often begin to feel that pull for sipping my iced beverage under the apple tree sometime in May, or even the end of April. Yes, I want to slow down. And yes, I want to create more space to relax. But there’s more to it than that.

But I don’t want to just be reactive, longing for spaciousness as an antidote to perhaps a tiring year. Or less than perfect homeschooling.

It’s not just about relaxing outdoors to escape feeling too busy or scattered.

As parents, we need to replenish our hearts, too ~ that place of love, and desire, and hope. We need to build up a source of energy that our hearts can tap into anytime. 

Replenish * Reset * Renew

So if my intention is to replenish my heart forces, how do I do that? And how do I make it a natural part of my daily life and part of my daily rhythm? 

I looked up the word “replenish” in the dictionary and here is what I found: to make full or complete again by furnishing a new supply.

Then I started reflecting on what Rudolf Steiner, the founder of Waldorf education, said about inner work.

Steiner believed that ancient peoples were capable of direct spiritual perception. But as rationality has developed, he says we have lost that ability. And this loss can lead to feelings of alienation. 

So, Steiner developed some exercises to help us reawaken our spiritual perception by working directly to improve:

  • Self-control over our thinking
  • Taking initiative
  • Equanimity (quieting our reactive emotions)
  • Positivity (seeing positive outcomes)
  • Open-mindedness
  • Harmony

So I want to invite you to keep these in mind as you set your summer intentions.

Here is my reformulated summer intention after thinking about filling myself back up over the summer.

I want my summer to help replenish my heart forces in a way that helps me to quiet my reactive emotions and celebrate my life as it is right now!

Out of that intention, I have created this new summertime daily rhythm:

  • Wake up and go for a walk, noticing all the natural beauty around me.
  • Engage in heart-replenishing artistic activity every day (for me, that’s reading poetry but can also include drawing, painting, writing).
  • Take a break at “tea time” every afternoon under my apple tree or on the front porch swing, which is a lovely spot in the rain, while consciously thinking of all that I’m grateful for.

If you’d like to create something like this for yourself, check out The Summer Reset. This is a go-at-your-own-pace online course with recordings from our four 2023 live calls, plus more.


Prepare for your summer with this simple and refreshing process. Wrap up your homeschool year and make time for both homeschool planning and summer fun.

No Formal Main Lesson Work During the Summer 

Everyone needs a break!

If you have lesson blocks you didn’t get to, consider sharing the stories at bedtime or during some down time after lunch. But not doing main lesson book work.

You might also make a plan for a little skills practice a few days a week with lots of games. Just remember to keep it light and summery and fun!

You can also set aside time for you to do some planning for next year. But don’t let it take over all of your spare time this summer!

Keep Your Rhythm Simple & Steady 

We all benefit from a bit of rhythm. In fact, structure brings us more freedom rather than less. Again, just be sure to keep it fresh and simple.

Check out episode #34 on the podcast to hear more about how to Create a Simple Summer Rhythm.  

I 💜 Summer Reading 

Perhaps a novel or two for you, and some wonderful adventure stories to read aloud with your children.

You can find lots of reading suggestions here: Summer Reading for Homeschool Families.

Spend More Time Outdoors 

Hiking, biking, swimming, playing, gardening, creek walking, picnicking!

I like to pick trails we’ve never been on and visit parks in our area that are new to us. It’s good for everyone in the family to explore the great outdoors.

Family Summer Bucket List 

Get together and make a list of the fun things you hope to do this summer. Then every week, pick one to do! This really does add up to some wonderful memories by summer’s end. 

Get Clear on How YOU Want Your Summer to Go!

Try setting your own personal intentions, letting go of formal lessons, keeping a simple and steady rhythm, enjoying lots of summer reading and time outdoors, and pursuing a family summer bucket list. I hope you’ll feel replenished and renewed!

Don’t forget to join me for The Summer Reset if you want guidance in wrapping up your homeschool year and making space for both homeschool planning and family fun. 

Dive Deep & Explore More from the Art of Homeschooling

For more ideas for summer fun, check out episode #131 of the podcast ~ 10 Ways to Step Away from Homeschooling This Summer

And for a truly transformative summer homeschooling experience, register for the Taproot Teacher Training for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers!

You’ve planned your family vacation and made ALL the plans for your kids for the summer. But what about YOU! The committed homeschooling parents deserves to upskill, to seek renewed inspiration, to plan & prepare, and to connect with fellow homeschoolers on the homeschooling journey.

Taproot is a homeschool teacher training retreat held LIVE & IN PERSON every August in northeastern Ohio. Find out more about this opportunity today!

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