Gift giving and receiving can be problematic in families. Seems a bit ironic when we’re trying to simplify and build a home environment based on love and gratitude. But every year around the winter holidays, I get…

Gift giving and receiving can be problematic in families. Seems a bit ironic when we’re trying to simplify and build a home environment based on love and gratitude. But every year around the winter holidays, I get…
The books listed below are our family’s favorite wholesome winter holiday books for children. For reading and giving. Over 50 favorites are listed here! I have organized them into the categories of Winter, Christmas, Winter Solstice, Chanukah,…
Does the idea of gathering around the table warm your heart like it does mine? Let’s explore menu planning for your family. And, I know it’s not always easy to pull off. Here is the story of…
I love the walk outdoors on a cool autumn night around our neighborhood. But not all the candy. There’s just too much Halloween candy. Seeing all the children dressed up, the time they take considering and designing…
This is a guest post by Sheila Petruccelli, homeschooling mother of two and blogger at Sure As the World. Sheila and I met at Taproot. She was first a client of mine before becoming a dear friend….
My daughter and I just got back from a whirlwind 4-day trip to New York City. And I’m so glad to be home. Nothing like being in a bustling “city that never sleeps” to inspire appreciation for…
I have a gift for you for Mother’s Day! But first, a little history lesson. Mother’s Day was not created by the greeting card companies, but by a revolutionary warrior for peace. Julia Ward Howe — abolitionist,…
Do you ever feel gypped on Mother’s Day as a homeschooling Mom? Like we should get extra, double bonus treatment on this holiday, thanking us for all the incredible work that we do. I found an old…
My mother-in-law passed away 13 years ago. We planted this tree in her honor. We called her by her Yiddish name, Lakey. Bubbie Lakey. (Bubbie means grandmother.) Lakey died in June and we planted this weeping cherry…
My yoga teacher read this poem by Rumi at the beginning of class yesterday. And it was a beautiful moment for me, inviting me to be more open, accepting and welcoming of whatever comes my way. And…