How to Tell Your Homeschool Story

Episode 136 Today on the Art of Homeschooling podcast, we’re delving into the value of your homeschool story. And examining the stories we tell ourselves about not only ourselves, but also our children, our families, and our…

Summer is Natural for Learning

Episode 135 While the summer months offer lots of time for fun and creative play, learning doesn’t actually stop. Summer is natural for learning! I strongly encourage homeschoolers to take a break from formal lessons for the…

Get Clear on How You Want Your Summer to Go

Episode 133 The beginning of summer is so full of hope for fun and relaxation. But the summer can get away from us so quickly. And even devolve into a bit of a messy tangle pretty darn…

Homeschool Lesson Planning

Episode 127 Homeschool lesson planning is a grounding practice that calls on us to consider where we are, where we want to be, and how we might get there with our kiddos. Having a lesson plan may…