It’s a very windy day here and it’s October. I keep singing The Winds of October song, perfect for this day: “Scarlet and yellow, golden and brown, winds of October blow the leaves down…”
I wanted to collect the sheet music, song recording, and a video of teaching this on recorder all in one place.
So that you can learn this lovely song and sing it in your house, too. On a beautiful October day when the wind is just right.
The Winds of October
Scarlet and yellow,
Golden and brown,
Winds of October
Blow the leaves down.
Leaves on their branches
Are tossed round and round.
Now carpets of yellow
Lie over the ground.
Here is a recording of the Winds of October sung in a two-part round. Many thanks to my wonderful women’s singing group, Heartsong, for recording this with me just for you!
Winds of October
And one more treat for you. Below is a video made by Jodie Mesler, music teacher and author of Living Music from the Heart, a curriculum from Living Music designed to help homeschooling parents teach their children recorder or penny whistle.
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Wondering what recorder to buy? Jodie recommends this Yamaha Soprano Recorder with Baroque Fingering.
Learn to play Winds of October on the recorder with this video.
Jodie’s passion is sharing her music compositions and teachings of the natural and artistic approach to music education. As a mother of three, she gave her children a strong Waldorf-inspired homeschooling foundation. Jodie is a music teacher and performer who loves sharing music with others.
Read Jodie’s wonderful guest post here: Making Music Come Alive for Children.

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Beautiful! What a gift. Thank you Jean!
Thank you, my friend!
How fun to think about singing this as a round. I enjoyed your Heartsong rendition – thanks, ladies!
Thanks, Martha! And yes, this song makes a beautiful round. We sing it in two parts here in the recording, but it can actually be sung in as many as eight parts!!! Four is my goal. And with children, two is usually the best goal since children under age 9 should be singing along with Mom anyway. Only children older than 9 can or should be asked to sing a separate part. Enjoy! It’s a windy October day here with the temperatures dropping and this song truly matches the weather here today.