Waking, Sleeping, Dreaming

Why do I love reading Steiner’s lectures to teachers? Because Rudolf Steiner had keen insights into human nature. And when applied to teaching children, I’ve seen his ideas hit home time and time again. Steiner’s insights ring…

Taproot Reflections

I’m just home from this year’s Taproot Teacher Training, and what a weekend! My word to describe the group this year is “warmth.” There was just such warmth and support among this group of twenty seven caring…

Monarch Caterpillar Transformation

This morning, I am loading up my husband’s van and heading south to Taproot Farm for our annual summer Taproot Teacher Training that I co-host with Barbara Dewey of Waldorf Without Walls. I always feel almost giddy…

Inspiration Overwhelm

We all do it. We bring the inspiration overwhelm on ourselves. We keep searching and searching for the perfect resource when we already have all that we need. Right here, right now, we have enough. We don’t always…

Waldorf Homeschool Planning is Messy

I’ve been feeling a bit untethered lately because I am so scattered. This always happens to me mid-summer! So I’ve decided to own it, and speak it out loud. Waldorf homeschool planning and organizing often makes things…

Searching for Monarch Eggs

One of the joys of summertime for me is searching for monarch eggs. And last year, there were none. NONE. I didn’t find one single egg last year. I was worried. I was sad. I didn’t even…

Read Aloud July

Reading aloud helps children develop positive associations with reading and books. And this is so important to becoming lifelong learners. When I was teaching remedial reading to 10th and 11th graders in Atlanta years ago (my first…