When happenings in the world seem crazy and scary, parenting anxiety goes up. After all, this is the world our children will inherit. In response, I want to offer you three songs of peace.

The world does not always feel like a warm and welcoming place. For us or our children.

So, I’ve been wondering, “What’s a mother to do?”

I voiced my anxiety and dilemma to my women’s circle friends. We’re a group of six women who’ve been singing together every week for over twenty years!

Turns out, we were all feeling a bit jangled and unsure and nervous. So, we decided to spend time recording songs of peace. Songs to share with you and other women and mothers around the world.

I offer you songs of peace.

My hope is that these songs bring you a sense of connection to all people everywhere. And especially to other mothers who feel a little unsure about the world we are passing on to our children.

My other hope is that they may also inspire you to start a singing circle!

Our circle, which we now call Heartsong, grew out of a need for adult female connection when most of us had very young children.

We started with a Mom’s night out. First, we met monthly, then twice a month, and then weekly on Wednesday evenings.

How did we begin singing? Honestly, we got tired of talking so much! We were talking about parenting and education and how hard it was to be with little children 24/7.

We wanted to do something more uplifting with our time than talk about our daily lives. Something that would bring us more serenity when we returned home.

The idea of singing came up. And so it began.

When words fail, music speaks.

We are not a performance group. Our singing together is more like meditation and prayer. Really, it’s a form of inner work – a way to get quiet and connect with what really matters. The essential.

Want tips on how to start your own singing circle? Listen to this podcast episode, How to Start a Singing Circle.

I offer three songs to you for now. There are more to come.

May you be at peace.
May your heart remain open.

Song Recordings

Deep Peace
Deep peace within me,
Deep peace all around me.
Deep peace for all beings.

We Are One
We are one, we are one.
We are one in the spirit, we are one.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
We are one in the spirit, we are one.

May We Be At Peace

May we be at peace,
May our hearts remain open.
May we awaken to
The light of our own true nature.
May we be healed,
May we be a source of healing for all beings.

I Offer You Songs of Peace. When words fail, music speaks.

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    1. Thank you so much! I am now inspired to form a singing circle and have reached out to a few friends. I’m wondering if you might share advice on structure or format for the gatherings, if any? Just curious what you’ve found works best for your group over the years.

      1. So exciting, Tammy! We’ve experimented with different structures over the years. Right now, what’s working is that we go around the circle for a two-minute check-in where each of us shares a short version of what’s going on in our lives (otherwise, we could chat all night!). Then we light a candle and sing our opening song. We also have a closing song. In between, anyone can start a song and we all just join in. Sometimes, we’re learning a new song. But we really try to sing without interruption for at least 45 minutes to an hour. Sometimes individuals in the group have something going on and need support or one of their loved ones does, so we share that so we can sing for them. We also have tea and snacks (we rotate meeting in each other’s homes)! Hope that helps. And best of luck to you and your new circle. I’d love to hear how it goes!

    2. Hiya oh my goddess your songs were beautiful .I have a great bunch of girlfriend’s and we get together regularly actually we just spent a weekend away at one of our beautiful beaches and it was so beautiful , spiritual and nuturing we even saw whales which bring their young to the beach each year . I would love to let them hear your songs and who knows maybe that’s something we could bring to our group although my singing voice is lets say a strain on the ears but still I’m willing to try . Thanks for sharing such beauty .Peace Love and Light Denise from downunder x

      1. What fun it is to get away with girlfriends! Love the whales. And yes, please share the songs! When we started singing years ago, probably only half of the group would have described themselves as having strong voices. But we’ve all developed and grown so much. It’s been a beautiful journey. I strongly encourage you to try singing together. It’s so nurturing. Let me know how it goes! Thank you, Denise.

    3. Thank you so much for sharing these songs. I´ve been very worried with my daughters education at public school and for a moment, a felt connected to the peace and confidence of spiritual world. Thank you.

      1. Oh, I’m so touched to hear that, Ana. It’s great to have a place to share these songs with other Moms who can benefit from hearing them! Our intention for sharing them is healing. Thank you for letting me know!

    4. I give thanks for the angels voice that touch our heart. Wonderful experience. Blessed Love.

      1. Thank you so much, Ana. I love sharing songs for this very reason. We have the opportunity to touch each other’s lives when we put ourselves out there! Peace to you.

    5. Thank you Jean! I love this. It is so beautiful that you come together in your natural harmony of beings to help the world become more peaceful.
      I hope someday to find a group like yours.
      Peace and blessings,

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