Making candles, telling stories, having dinner by candlelight. That has been our simple formula for celebrating Candlemas over the years. Candlemas, or February 2, is the halfway point between Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. The light is returning!

Celebrating Candlemas

Want to make candles? Check out this post where I share how to make 4 different kinds of candles in this post, Making Candles for Candlemas, along with a candle-making verse.

The story of Brigid is ideal for early February and hearkens back to ancient times. Brigid is believed to visit homes and bless the family and animals who dwell there and her special feast day is February 1st.

Below is a book suggestion. This is an affiliate link for your convenience. You can read my full disclosure policy here.

This very sweet book, Brother Wolf, Sister Sparrow: Stories About Saints and Animals, has a beautiful story of “Saint Brigid and the Cow.” 

This book would be a great resource for sharing saint stories throughout the year on each saint’s feast day if you’d prefer that over doing a main lesson block on the saints. There are twelve sweet stories in this book, each about a different saint and their animal companions with their feast days listed at the end.

For Candlemas: after an afternoon of making candles, followed by a lovely supper and the story of Brigid by candlelight, perhaps a family game night or getting out the photo album of when Mom and Dad were little would be a great family activity.

Candlemas Day
If Candlemas day be fair and bright,

Winter will take another flight.
If Candlemas day be cloud and rain,
Winter is gone and will not come again.

Happy (almost) halfway point!




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    1. Love that crazy groundhog! And the idea of those mammals emerging from hibernation and everything waking up! Mostly, I love that nature is never static.

  1. I’m so happy that we’re halfway there! The days are noticeably longer. Alas, they are colder, too, but that will also resolve in time. 🙂 We made tealights with wax from our bees, and rolled a few candles from sheet wax, too. We had them blessed this morning. I look forward to using them throughout the year to celebrate the light!

    1. Yes, I’m so happy, too! We’re in the midst of about a foot of snow falling here, and it’s so beautiful. And the days are noticeably longer, for sure. Does that groundhog even come out when there’s much snow on the ground? I’m not sure! Tealights with wax from your bees sounds lovely. Tomorrow night, we’ll play games by candlelight as we celebrate the light!

  2. Thank you Jean
    The sun is shining bright at our home today. Enjoyed the verses and Raven Jane and I are going to make candles.
    My school space is coming together board by board. Looks like by spring the inside will be finished. I haven’t forgotten bringing you here.?
    Happy Candlemas!
    Thank you for all your work!!

    1. So great to hear from you, Missy! The sun is shining bright here today, too. We had over a foot of snow earlier in the week and it’s so beautiful. Happy candlemaking! And glad to hear you’re making progress on the school space. I look forward to coming down when it’s finished.

  3. Thank you again. It will be worth the wait. It may be the slowest I have ever gone. Doing it one step st a time . Thinking about every aspect from a child’s eye and an adults . What surroundings will be nourishing I ask with each decision.
    The work of anthroposophy is what has helped with that?.
    More meditating too.?

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