Episode 156 Feel overwhelmed with the holiday season approaching? Today’s podcast episode is all about cultivating a simplicity mindset for the coming holidays. I’m your host, Jean Miller, and I’ll guide you through five simple practices that…

Episode 156 Feel overwhelmed with the holiday season approaching? Today’s podcast episode is all about cultivating a simplicity mindset for the coming holidays. I’m your host, Jean Miller, and I’ll guide you through five simple practices that…
Episode 155 Ever felt overwhelmed by creating Waldorf-inspired festivals or seasonal celebrations? Here’s an organizational tool that has made my parenting and homeschooling journey through the seasons more enjoyable and less chaotic ~ create your seasons and…
Episode 153 I am deeply grateful for my journey as a parent and homeschooler. And one experience in particular has brought harmony and deep connection to my life while on this journey ~ singing together with a…
Episode 152 Birthdays create such sweet memories! And I want to share some of the memories I have of our birthday traditions, and share ideas for creating magical birthday traditions for your children, too. I remember so…
Episode 151 Today on the podcast, we’re talking about anger. I know this isn’t always an easy topic. But it’s a super important one. Because as parents, we get angry sometimes. Let’s talk about how to deal with…
Episode 149 Rhythm is a hot topic around here at the Art of Homeschooling! And today, I want to talk about the rhythm of family mealtimes. So often when we start a new homeschooling year, or return…
Episode 141 As I write and record this episode, it’s about halfway through the calendar year. And I’m reflecting back to January. I always resist setting any New Year’s Resolutions. And here’s why: Throughout the year, I…
Episode 136 Today on the Art of Homeschooling podcast, we’re delving into the value of your homeschool story. And examining the stories we tell ourselves about not only ourselves, but also our children, our families, and our…
Episode 135 While the summer months offer lots of time for fun and creative play, learning doesn’t actually stop. Summer is natural for learning! I strongly encourage homeschoolers to take a break from formal lessons for the…
Episode 133 The beginning of summer is so full of hope for fun and relaxation. But the summer can get away from us so quickly. And even devolve into a bit of a messy tangle pretty darn…