Episode 156

Feel overwhelmed with the holiday season approaching? Today’s podcast episode is all about cultivating a simplicity mindset for the coming holidays.

I’m your host, Jean Miller, and I’ll guide you through five simple practices that will help you align your holidays with your core values, use visualization to your advantage, lean into your intuition, engage in hands-on activities, and gracefully deal with stress points.

The constant rush, over-scheduling, and clutter of the festivities can leave many of us merely surviving the holidays rather than genuinely enjoying them. 

So let’s explore ways to reduce what Kim John Payne, in his book Simplicity Parenting, refers to as the soul fever that all this overstimulation can lead to.

Listen in and follow along with the show notes below for links and resources. Here are 5 simple practices to help you create a simplicity mindset for the holidays.

Practice 1: Let Values Be Your Foundation

The first step towards cultivating a simplicity mindset is to align our holidays with our core values. This means reflecting on what values we hold most dear and considering whether our current holiday practices align with these values.

For instance, if family connection is a core value, are our holidays filled with meaningful family activities or are they overshadowed by the stress of perfecting the holiday decor or cooking the most elaborate meals?

How can you walk through the holidays with intention?

Spend some time journaling or talking with your partner, spouse, or loved ones to identify your values as they form the foundation of meaning during the holiday season.

Practice 2: Visualize When You Wake Up

The power of visualization can be a helpful tool to cultivate a simplicity mindset for the holidays.

By visualizing our ideal holiday season, aligned with our core values, we can set clear intentions for the season.

Visualization can also help us identify potential stress points and mentally rehearse how we want to respond to them.

Before you get out of bed, take 1-10 minutes to envision how you want your day to go. Do a mental rehearsal of how you want to respond and who you want to be.

Imagine your day and even your entire holiday season that is restful, replenishing, and restorative.

Practice 3: Embrace Intuition in the Moment

The third practice involves leaning into our intuition. This means being present in each moment and checking in with ourselves to see if we’re heading in the right direction.

If we sense things going off track or becoming too overwhelming, we can simply and gently redirect our thoughts in order to pause, reflect, and adjust our course.

If you sense that things are getting too overwhelming, here are a few phrases that can bring you back to center:

  • “Wait, I need a moment to check in with myself.”
  • “Actually, let’s pause and take a break because something doesn’t feel right.”

If you sense that things are going in a positive direction, you could say:

  • “I’m so grateful for X. It makes me feel Y.”
  • “I notice how [we’re all getting along, feeling connected, etc.]”

Practice 4: Do Hands-On Activities

Engaging in hands-on activities is another effective way to cultivate a simplicity mindset.

Such activities serve as a container for connection, enabling us to focus on strengthening our relationships rather than getting caught up in the busyness of the season.

It’s not about being busy and DOING. But rather, focus on the CONNECTION as you engage in activities together, crafting, games, cooking, or decorating.

You can experience the deep connection of hands-on activities and inspiring stories with your family in my Handwork + Stories Masterclass. Here is a warm and wonderful place to start cultivating your simplicity mindset for the holidays with step-by-step guidance, community and support inside the Inspired at Home community, a virtual space packed with resources to support your homeschooling journey.

Practice 5: Do a Values Check-In + Visualization Before Sleep

Finally, the practice of conducting a values check-in and visualization before sleep can be a helpful way to reinforce our intentions and plan for the next day.

This practice encourages us to continuously align our actions with our values, fostering a peaceful and joy-filled holiday season.

Take 1-10 minutes when you’re lying down in bed, before falling asleep, and do a quick check-in about your values. Then envision how you want your next day to go. And specifically how you want to respond and show up so you can feel more connected to those you love and your values.

Nurture Your Simplicity Mindset for the Holidays

I hope these 5 practices inspire you to focus on your values, embrace your intuition, and utilize visualization, and seasonal hands-on activities to connect with your kiddos and family to nourish a much-needed simplicity mindset this holiday season. 💜

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