Simplicity Mindset for the Holidays

Episode 156 Feel overwhelmed with the holiday season approaching? Today’s podcast episode is all about cultivating a simplicity mindset for the coming holidays. I’m your host, Jean Miller, and I’ll guide you through five simple practices that…

Create Your Seasons & Festivals Binder

Episode 155 Ever felt overwhelmed by creating Waldorf-inspired festivals or seasonal celebrations? Here’s an organizational tool that has made my parenting and homeschooling journey through the seasons more enjoyable and less chaotic ~ create your seasons and…

Raising Lifelong Learners

Episode 154 Hey, hey homeschooling friend! Today, we’re talking all about raising lifelong learners and I have some great strategies to share with you. In the whirlwind of day-to-day homeschooling challenges, it’s easy to lose sight of…

How to Start a Singing Circle

Episode 153 I am deeply grateful for my journey as a parent and homeschooler. And one experience in particular has brought harmony and deep connection to my life while on this journey ~ singing together with a…

How to Deal with Your Own Anger

Episode 151 Today on the podcast, we’re talking about anger. I know this isn’t always an easy topic. But it’s a super important one. Because as parents, we get angry sometimes. Let’s talk about how to deal with…

The Rhythm of Family Mealtimes

Episode 149 Rhythm is a hot topic around here at the Art of Homeschooling! And today, I want to talk about the rhythm of family mealtimes. So often when we start a new homeschooling year, or return…

What's Your Self-Care Plan?

Episode 148 How would I have responded if you’d asked me early on in my homeschooling journey, “Jean, what’s your self-care plan?“ “Self-care…what’s that? A self-care plan? Who are you kidding?“ Because I was always last on…