Looking Back on Homeschooling

Episode 24 As I was turning over the soil in our garden last weekend, I was thinking about all the living we’ve done in this backyard! We’ve had a wooden climbing structure, a sandbox that turned into…

A Little Story for Saint Patrick’s Day

Festivals and Saint’s Days offer us the opportunity to mark the turning of the seasons and to connect with our children. I hope this little story for Saint Patrick’s Day makes you smile. It’s a fun one…

Homeschooling Simplified

Episode 21 As homeschoolers, sometimes we find that we need to scale back to homeschooling simplified. Whether it’s because of a global pandemic, a sick family member, a new baby, or mama’s health…sometimes life brings the unexpected….

Relax Into Your Homeschool Rhythm

Episode 3 Rhythm is really all about organizing your homeschooling day. Think about music. Music is organized around repeated motifs that the listener anticipates. Rhythm and repetition allow you to relax into the flow. Just as music…