A Steiner Verse for an Uncertain World

Waldorf education was created over 100 years ago by Rudolf Steiner. His motivation? To bring about social and economic renewal after the devastation of WWI. Waldorf education was created for healing. And in today’s world, I turn…

What is Inner Work Anyway?

Let’s talk about YOU and ME! As homeschooling moms, we’re on our own path of development right alongside our children. And in Waldorf education, the practice of personal development, self-care, and introspection is know as inner work….

6 Steps to Planning an Awesome Homeschooling Year - Step Three

There is a phrase in twelve step programs called “the geographic cure.” It refers to one’s attempt to move somewhere new to cure whatever pain one is in. It doesn’t work! Because “wherever you go, there you…

Peace Quote

I have a refrigerator magnet with this quote. It is such a good reminder that no matter what is going on around me, I can still have inner peace. Be calm in your heart.  As homeschooling Moms,…