Search Results for: rhythm

How to Create a Simplified Homeschooling Rhythm for December

How to Create a Simplified Homeschooling Rhythm for December

The month of December, with all of the holidays and hype, can get crazy for homeschoolers. What I always wanted in the early years was a simplified homeschooling rhythm for December. I’ve learned in my twenty+ years of homeschooling, that just pushing through the plans usually ends up with us throwing in the towel at…

Homeschooling Through Life’s Curveballs
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Homeschooling Through Life’s Curveballs

Episode 219 Life has a way of being unpredictable, and homeschooling adds unique layers to challenges, both big and small. If you’ve ever found yourself wondering how to keep homeschooling through life’s curveballs, listen up for encouraging tips and three specific strategies to keep your homeschooling on track. In this episode of the Art of…

Favorite Winter Read-Alouds for Cozy Homeschool Days
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Favorite Winter Read-Alouds for Cozy Homeschool Days

Episode 217 It’s time for our favorite winter read-alouds for cozy homeschool days! In this episode of the Art of Homeschooling Podcast, Jean shares three read-aloud strategies and a list of her favorite winter read-aloud books which you can get a copy of below.⬇️ This is a magical booklist of carefully selected read-alouds for your…

Inner Quiet: A Simple Morning Routine for Homeschool Moms
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Inner Quiet: A Simple Morning Routine for Homeschool Moms

Episode 215 Ever wake up feeling like you’re already behind before your homeschooling day even begins? If you’re feeling out of sorts, the best remedy to renew and inspire you is a tiny dose of inner quiet and my simple morning routine for homeschool moms (or dads or grandmas or sisters, etc). Trying harder is…