In the Waldorf method, children learn to read their own writing before reading books. The idea is that children have a memory connection to words they have written and so it increases the possibility of success and…

In the Waldorf method, children learn to read their own writing before reading books. The idea is that children have a memory connection to words they have written and so it increases the possibility of success and…
Rhythm allows us to get in sync with one another. And what exactly is rhythm? It’s an easily recognized, regular pattern. Poems and verses contain rhythm within, and they are great tools to help us bring rhythm to…
In the afternoon sessions of the 14-day Seminar Course, Rudolf Steiner spoke informally to the teachers and they had an opportunity to ask questions. On this first afternoon, Steiner gives the Waldorf story content for each grade….
When my kids were little, I was always making homemade play dough so that we would have some on hand. We could explore and create for hours with this modeling substance. We would roll it out, use…
Every February in the early years of our homeschooling, I would find myself visiting schools! Just to have a look. Just to see if school might be a better fit for us than this crazy life of…
It is Day One of Steiner’s lectures to the teachers in the very first Waldorf School, August of 1919, now published as Practical Advice to Teachers. Steiner emphasized that these afternoon talks deal specifically with teaching methods….
Have you ever tried needle felting? It’s really quite rewarding. So, in honor of Valentine’s Day, here are simple instructions for making needle felted hearts with your children. This post contains some affiliate links for your convenience…
Ok, so this post is not about breastfeeding and weaning. It’s about teaching and learning. But many times over these years of homeschooling (and my first “baby” turned 24 yesterday!), I’ve wondered how exactly one goes about…
Many thanks to my friend Alison who is joining me on this adventure! It’s great to have a partner on this project and we’re hoping you’ll join us by leaving comments. Today we’re acknowledging the moral and…
A beautiful poem full of hope for a new season. Because we need every small grain of hope we can get. For the New Year, 1981 …