Snowdrops in Spring

It’s finally here! Spring has officially arrived in Northeastern Ohio. And even with frost on the ground this morning, there are signs. Makes me want to sing a song for spring! Just this week, the birdies started…

Reflections on Steiner's lectures to teachers at the Steiner Cafe

Discussion Two is all about the temperaments! On Day One of the Teacher’s Seminar in 1919, Steiner introduced the temperaments by saying, “The important thing for us to remember is the diversity of children and indeed of…

Making Mrs. Thaw

I still have a nature table even though my children are 24, 22 and 15! I find that I pay more attention to the changes outside when I mirror them inside on our nature table. It’s something…

Making the Choice

Life has been challenging these last six weeks here in the Miller household. No major crisis, but challenging. And like many of you I’m sure, we are so ready for spring! Finally on Friday, our snow began…

It All Starts with Love

Rudolf Steiner starts off Day Two of his Practical Advice to Teachers lecture by saying that “a great deal will have to be transformed and renewed” in teaching methods. The starting point? Love!  Here is Steiner on…


Years ago at a workshop, someone handed me a piece of paper with this passage on Faithfulness handwritten on it. This is a beautiful reminder to take the high road, to see the best in each other….

The Steiner Cafe at

I picked out some highlights from the three lectures given by Rudolf Steiner on Day One of the Teacher’s Seminar in August of 1919. We want to have a living interest in everything happening today. This is…