“I just want to be outside!” And that’s me talking, not my kids! Every year come May, I just want to be outdoors. I want to get up in the morning and drink my tea on the back deck, then do some weeding and planting and wandering about. And the best way to make that happen? Garden with the kids. So here is my list of the best books for gardening with kids.

Each morning in the spring, I wake up to the birds singing. Last Friday, I awoke to a bird call and immediately knew the orioles were back! Those beautiful orange and black birds whose sound fills the woods. As I lay there listening, the calls kept coming closer and closer to my open window. As I popped up to peek out, there was the oriole in the apple tree right outside our bedroom.

I find it hard to focus on school work at this time of year, and so do the kids. I don’t know how many years it took me, but I finally came to accept that going with the energy is so much more effective than going against it. Homeschooling is not meant to be an experience akin to Sisyphus pushing the rock uphill!

So go with the energy! The best way I’ve found of doing that is to create an “all ages” block of learning in May that focuses around gardening, nature study, birds or some other outdoor interest of yours or your children. Steiner wrote about the importance of connecting with nature so that we can experience the awe and wonder along with the natural cycles of life and death.

Here are my six favorite gardening books that you could build a main lesson block around – whether it be a week or three.

You may also want to check out one of my posts a few weeks back about a book series, One Small Square, here: Nature Study with One Small Square. And my friend Alison wrote about studying birds over on Sheila’s blog, Sure as the World: Main Lesson Block: Birds.

I’ll get around to planning for next year soon, but right now, I’m just relishing in the month of May. I have a hard time beginning to think about next year’s planning until June, because I just want to be outside!

Blue Potatoes, Orange Tomatoes book

Blue Potatoes, Orange Tomatoes





The Gardener book

The Gardener






Native American Gardening book

Native American Gardening







Ready, Set, Grow book

Ready, Set, Grow






Growing Vegetable SoupGrowing Vegetable Soup






Sunflower Houses book

Sunflower Houses


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    1. Yes, that’s a great book. Thanks for the suggestion! Hoping others will add their favorites as well!!!

  1. Oh Jean, I needed to hear this today. Sisyphus would be about right for what I’m feeling now.
    I think I am just going to be kind to myself and just get the essentials finished. AND make myself a note not to do a major history block in May.

    1. It’s crazy-making! For many years, I found myself packing a big block in for May because I felt “I hadn’t done enough!” Just need to finish this up…or I planned it that way for some reason! Add in beginning to think and plan for next year, and kaboom! Deep breath, go for a hike, sip iced tea (it’s 80 degrees here today!), dig in the dirt…all very healing and connecting. Pushing the rock most definitely is not! (I needed to hear it too, isn’t that why we write!?!) xoxo

    1. Thanks, Catherine!. I will check these out. The Bear and Bunny Grow Tomatoes looks especially cute. Happy growing season!

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