The Steiner Cafe at

Waldorf education is experiential. It’s founder, Rudolf Steiner, was adamant that we cannot merely tell a child something once and expect learning to take place. We must work with the power of the will in Waldorf education….

Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day to you! a picture of my boys 20 years ago!!! May you appreciate whatever comes your way today and not get stuck on what doesn’t! My best tip is to ask for what you…

The Steiner Cafe at

“Now it is really very important, particularly for those who want to work as teachers, to get rid of the habit of unnecessary criticism…it is not a question of always trying to improve on what has already…

Reflections on Steiner's lectures to teachers at the Steiner Cafe

The focus of this lecture on Day Three of the Teacher’s Seminar (given by Rudolf Steiner on August 23, 1919) is the formative quality of the arts. The arts engage a child’s whole being, “particularly his will…

Celebrating May Day!

May Day here in northeastern Ohio means that it’s finally beginning to look like Spring! Time for celebrating May Day. Even though it’s still chilly and rainy today, we’ve had a few warm days here and there….

No More Second Guessing

No more second guessing your homeschooling decisions. I’m telling you now, give it up for good! It will be the best thing you could ever do for yourself and your family. Dorothy Breininger, in researching her book,…

Reflections on Steiner's lectures to teachers at the Steiner Cafe

Steiner chooses the topic of “cosmic law” for his morning lecture on Day Three of the very first Waldorf teacher training in August of 1919. He says, “As modern teachers, we must hold a comprehensive view of…