Springtime is muddy and messy and even cold, some days. Kind of like homeschooling! So how do we pay attention to the green stems of possibility? It all depends on what we choose to focus on! And…

Springtime is muddy and messy and even cold, some days. Kind of like homeschooling! So how do we pay attention to the green stems of possibility? It all depends on what we choose to focus on! And…
What did Steiner say about teaching lessons on plant classification? “You can actually show the children the whole external plant world as a picture of a developing child’s soul.” Lecture Eleven from Discussions with Teachers suggests a…
Where is your Waldorf homeschooling sweet spot? Can you find it, or have you lost it somehow along the way? So often, we limit our understanding of Waldorf methods to what we see in classroom practice. And…
My youngest just got her driver’s license! Here’s a description of a recent Monday at our house, a homeschool day with a 16-year-old. A Homeschool Day in the Life (with a 16-year-old who just got her driver’s license)…
Do you ever feel like no matter what question you ask about the Waldorf approach, rhythm is always the answer? Kind of annoying, isn’t it?! How do we embrace rhythm in Waldorf homeschooling? The truth is, that when…
In Lecture Eleven of Practical Advice to Teachers, Rudolf Steiner talks about teaching Geography. And he makes this bold statement: “What I have just shown you about the way to deal with geography teaching is an excellent…
In reflecting back on the year 2015, I am so very grateful to YOU, my readers, for being here. For reading, commenting, asking questions and walking alongside me on this adventure of Waldorf homeschooling. To each and…
Here is a beautiful Winter Verse by Rudolf Steiner. I find this to be a lovely meditation for this time of year of short days and long nights. A great verse to contemplate in the darkness of…
Today, I want to share inspiration for how to create a spiral walk. “My heart is shining like a star.” These are the words I’m left with after a spiral walk. The final words to a song…
We’re up to Day Eleven of the first Waldorf teacher training and the Waldorf School will open in just four days! Imagine: you’re sitting in this lecture having been recruited to teach in this new school even…