True self-care is hard. We have so many responsibilities as parents. There are the things we’re happy to do. And we get busy with those. And then there are all the things we have to do. As a…

True self-care is hard. We have so many responsibilities as parents. There are the things we’re happy to do. And we get busy with those. And then there are all the things we have to do. As a…
Read about the connections between the first Waldorf school and homeschooling. A school that opened its doors 100 years ago! This post is an excerpt from the handbook inside Homeschool Simplicity 101. This collection of a guidebook…
What exactly is involved in homeschool planning? I suspect many of us have a love/hate relationship with this planning thing. So I wanted to give you some simple homeschool planning tips from one Waldorf homeschooling Mom to…
We are smack in the middle of summertime here. I’m sitting out back on our deck under the apple tree as I write this. And I love to think of summer as a great time to rejuvenate….
This is just a small collection of the snapshots of Taproot Teacher Trainings gone by. 2024 will mark the 18th year we will gather a group of amazingly wonderful Waldorf homeschoolers for a 4-day weekend of living…
The beginning of summer is so full of hope for fun and relaxation. Seriously, as homeschooling Moms, we are so ready for a break! But the summer can get away from us so quickly. Have you set…
Certain times of year can bring overwhelm to homeschoolers. But honestly, overwhelm knows no bounds. Overwhelm can strike at any time. Today, I offer you the overwhelmed Mom’s guide to homeschooling. Perhaps you’re coming off holidays, or…
What is the Waldorf curriculum exactly? Have you ever wondered what homeschooling curriculum to buy? Then spent hours, days, or even months researching and comparing? Only to believe that you’re done thinking about curriculum once you make…
Over the past few years, I’ve received lots of questions about Waldorf homeschooling from parents just like you. Perhaps your questions are similar. Here are the top 5 FAQs about Waldorf homeschooling that are sent my way….
Honestly, I’m not even sure there is such a thing as finding balance as a homeschooling Mom! Let me just say that balance can be elusive for sure. But in my 28 years of parenting and homeschooling,…