We are welcoming spring here in northeastern Ohio. And springtime is muddy just like homeschooling is messy! Just this week, I’ve seen so many signs of spring: white snowdrops next to piles of unmelted icy snow patches…

We are welcoming spring here in northeastern Ohio. And springtime is muddy just like homeschooling is messy! Just this week, I’ve seen so many signs of spring: white snowdrops next to piles of unmelted icy snow patches…
I have a refrigerator magnet with this quote. It is such a good reminder that no matter what is going on around me, I can still have inner peace. Be calm in your heart. As homeschooling Moms,…
As Mamas, our sleep is often compromised. For years. And I am here to tell you that it takes its toll, in case you don’t already know. I mean really. We need our healthy sleep. Back when…
I’ve never done well with New Year’s resolutions. Not only do I usually abandon them, incomplete and unfulfilled, they also tend to contribute to my tendency to feel overwhelmed and under productive. Feeling bad about yourself is…
Here at our house, we honor dinnertime as a special family gathering. While I hold this value in my heart, I’ve not always felt inspired or organized with what to make for the meal! This post contains…
Restlessness. Worry. Fear. Driven by these emotions, we end up in a heap. Unable to make decisions or follow through. Restless, irritable, and discontent. Or, we go through the motions of our day feeling irritable and discontent….
All kinds of thoughts float in and out of our heads all day long. So why do some seem to stick around longer than others? Often I’ll wonder something, like maybe “why can’t we ever get started…
Are things around you a bit chaotic? Perhaps you’re starting a new year. Or your children are challenging you in new ways. Or crazy things are happening in the world and you’re feeling rattled. No matter what…
Happy Mother’s Day to you! a picture of my boys 20 years ago!!! May you appreciate whatever comes your way today and not get stuck on what doesn’t! My best tip is to ask for what you…
Life has been challenging these last six weeks here in the Miller household. No major crisis, but challenging. And like many of you I’m sure, we are so ready for spring! Finally on Friday, our snow began…