Waldorf education was created over 100 years ago by Rudolf Steiner. His motivation? To bring about social and economic renewal after the devastation of WWI. Waldorf education was created for healing. And in today’s world, I turn…
This post is an excerpt from my newly revised Homeschool Simplicity 101. This guidebook and training can help you work with the Waldorf approach and bring it to life in your home. Here’s what one homeschooling Mom…
Stop the perpetual searching. Limits are our friends. So often, we just keep searching and searching for the perfect _______ (fill in the blank: book, story, song, verse, handwork project, etc.) for our homeschooling. But once we…
“Fear is the cheapest room in the house. I would like to see you living in better conditions.” ~Hafiz Need some strategies for how to face homeschooling fears? Read on! Here in the northern hemisphere, it’s early…
I have a gift for you for Mother’s Day! But first, a little history lesson. Mother’s Day was not created by the greeting card companies, but by a revolutionary warrior for peace. Julia Ward Howe — abolitionist,…