Search Results for: rhythm

Planning Your Own Homeschool Main Lesson Blocks
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Planning Your Own Homeschool Main Lesson Blocks

Episode 191 Hello my friend! On the podcast today, I want to share with you my process for planning your own homeschool main lesson blocks. I’m currently planning workshops for the upcoming in-person Taproot Teacher Training where participants get to experience lessons as if they were the students. So I woke up this morning thinking…

The Second Grade Basket: Homeschooling Second Grade
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The Second Grade Basket

Episode 187 Let’s talk about homeschooling second grade! The second grader is a being of extremes! One minute light and loving. The next minute a mischievous little imp. Both adorable and a complete rascal.  This episode of the Art of Homeschooling podcast is one of a series of episodes about homeschooling through the grades. We’re…

Finding Your Flow as a Homeschooler
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Finding Your Flow as a Homeschooler

Episode 180 In today’s episode of the Art of Homeschooling podcast, I’m sharing some ideas about finding your flow as a homeschooler. I have two suggestions for getting into the groove and feeling at ease with your homeschooling rhythm that you may not have considered before. Homeschooling is all about the journey. There are ups…

Homeschooling with Waldorf: Getting Started
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Homeschooling with Waldorf: Getting Started

Episode 179 We’re getting back to basics in this episode for an often-requested topic ~ getting started with Waldorf homeschooling. I see so many homeschooling parents overcomplicating things and getting stressed out. So let’s explore how to keep homeschooling with Waldorf simple, inspiring, doable, and joyful. We’ll start with some foundational principles so you can…

How to Homeschool Multiple Ages
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How to Homeschool Multiple Ages at the Same Time

Episode 177 I am super excited about this podcast topic because it addresses the number one question I get asked as a homeschooling mentor: how to homeschool multiple ages at the same time. Waldorf homeschooling can feel onerous with different ages and different grades. Especially since most of us only experienced the traditional grade-level system…