Episode 96

I saw a yard sign on my morning bike ride today that made me wonder: are YOU ready for a new homeschool year?

The sign said “I’m ready for kindergarten.” It was so sweet!

But how about you, dear homeschooling parent?

Are YOU ready for a new homeschool year?

Tap that arrow above to hear my thoughts about what it means to be ready for homeschooling, along with 3 tips to get you off to a grand start!

Are YOU Ready for a New Homeschool Year?

Have you created a simple, doable outline that you can dive into? Are you willing to accept your children exactly where they are in their learning journey? Are you prepared to look at your plans and then be flexible? Are you mindful to be present to whatever arises in your day?

Notice that I’m not asking you about your curriculum, resources, books, or supplies!

That’s because readiness is a state of being and I’ve discovered over the years that it’s much more than lesson plans, brand new pencils, or an inviting basket of books.

And the truth is, you will never be 100% ready. You could go on planning and preparing forever and maybe still not feel ready. And that’s 100% okay.

You don’t have to be 100% ready in order to start. I’m not sure we ever are!!!

Every new homeschooling year holds a seed of readiness. We just have to find it. And sometimes, in our anxiety about what readiness should look like, we miss that seed of readiness. That spark of inspiration and acceptance for the next year of your journey as a homeschooling family.

Are you willing to spend just a little time contemplating how you might uncover that little golden nugget of readiness and inspiration?

Because it all starts with willingness. You have the will to just decide to be ready.

Readiness is really a feeling, not a place. It’s a state of mind, but it’s often fragile and fleeting. So start with a willingness to look for inspiration, and you will be 100% ready!

How to Feel Ready Even When You’re Not

If you’re still working on lesson plans for your new homeschool year, I know it can seem daunting. But keep it simple. And as Eleanor Roosevelt said,

“It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan.”


Here are my three tips to be ready for a new homeschool year:

  • Make a simple plan but stay flexible. Try not to get too attached to your plan going a certain way. And be open to what happens in the moment. (Check out the planning resource below, too!)
  • Find what inspires you! Listen to more episodes of the Art of Homeschooling Podcast, find homeschooling friends to share the journey, and get in touch with your own interests and sense of fun.
  • Don’t drink the compare shlager! This is a fun phrase from the motivational speaker Marie Forleo. We all need a light-hearted way to caution us about comparing ourselves to other homeschooling parents, comparing our kids to others’ kids, or comparing our own children to each other.

Above all, be ready to connect with your children!

What’s most important in all this is a connection with our children. 

Homeschooling parents thank me all the time for the reminder of this idea of the importance of connection. You’ll hear it at the end of each podcast episode!

“Rather than perfection, focus on connection.”

~Jean miller

And this is oh so important whether you’re feeling ready or not. 

Remember, you can make a very simple plan if you haven’t already ~ a plan for that first day of school, and that first main lesson block or first month of lessons. And then simply dive in with a willingness to be flexible. 

Create a Simple Doable Plan for Your New Homeschool Year

If you like this idea of simple and doable, you might want to hop into the Inspired at Home membership where you’ll find my signature course, Plan It Out. This is a detailed and supportive course that walks you through a six step planning process including outlining your lesson blocks or units of study for the year, establishing a daily rhythm, gathering resources, planning for your own selfcare as a home educator and so much more!

Plan It Out can help you to rein in your tendency to over plan and supports you as you get ready for a new homeschooling year!

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If the Art of Homeschooling Podcast has inspired you, I’d LOVE it if you could rate and review the podcast on your favorite podcast player! Reviews can be left on Apple Podcasts (iTunes), Podcast Addict, or Stitcher.

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