Episode 95

Hey there! This is Episode #95 of the podcast! Let’s talk about curiosity. And how curiosity is the best remedy for overwhelm, which is often our biggest challenge as homeschooling parents.

As the homeschooling mentor here at Art of Homeschooling, I’ve had the honor of helping hundreds of parents (maybe even thousands) find ways to make homeschooling work for them and their families.

 And I’m so grateful to you, dear homeschooling parent, and all you do for your children. You’re helping to make this world a better place, and I know that takes commitment, determination, and a lot of dedication.

Many of you are getting ready to start a new homeschooling year as I write and record this episode. And I wanted to offer you some encouragement.

Specifically, this remedy for overwhelm: curiosity.

Step Out of Overwhelm

We can often feel overwhelmed as homeschoolers!

I know I sure did when I had three kids at home, homeschooling and doing all the things. We can get overwhelmed by all that needs to be done – the lessons, the laundry, the meals. Or overwhelmed by all the emotions – our own and everyone else’s.

And when we feel that sense of overwhelm, we forget that both observation and  intuition can be sources of knowledge.

Rudolf Steiner, the founder of the Waldorf approach, talked about observation as a key assessment tool. And this is a wonderful skill to develop: to be able to observe our child’s learning and have our observations inform tomorrow’s lessons.

But when we’re overwhelmed, this all gets very, very cloudy.

So here are three steps to change old thought patterns and discover your own sense of peace. And here’s the remedy: curiosity!

We’re going to apply this remedy to our own thinking to help us step out of that feeling of overwhelm into a sense of calm and serenity.

Step One: Notice

Just notice what’s going on and notice what you’re feeling. Try to remove your natural tendency to judge.

Did you wake up feeling like you have too much to do today? Do you feel like you just don’t have the energy to do the lessons?

During my homeschooling years, I would often wake up feeling like I was already behind even before my feet hit the floor!

So try to just notice the feeling, and then the thought that follows.

Step Two: Mindfully Change the Thoughts

Next, decide to change the thoughts that arise.

So for example, instead of thinking “I’m never going to get this all done,” think instead, “I have all the time I need for the things that matter most to me.”

Or if you don’t believe that, try this thought: “I’m going to just do the things that matter most today, and that will be enough.”

Step Three: Try It & Observe

Just try it out and observe how it goes.

If you need to get more stern with your overwhelm, you can try talking to it directly!!!

Something like, “Dear overwhelm that’s telling me I’ll never be able to do it all: I’m on to you! I’ve got this and I don’t actually need your help today!!!”

The Best Remedy is Curiosity

You can use these three steps with just about any feeling that comes up for you. The key is to be really curious about your response without judgment.

Because willpower is not a sustainable long term solution and it can lead to burn out, discouragement, and even giving up.

 But curiosity can energize us, rather than deplete us!

Mindset, mindfulness, and inner work can really help bring us more contentment in our homeschooling.

Remember to get curious about your own thoughts and feelings as well as your kids’.

Take good care, dear homeschooling parents! 😊

If You’re Looking for Homeschooling Support

If you’re looking for more support for your homeschooling and how you show up for your children and family, there are two ways I can help you.

Come join the Inspired at Home community where we have over 30 masterclasses, group coaching calls every month on Zoom, and a warm community of homeschooling parents from all over the world. This is a monthly membership that you can join anytime, and cancel anytime.

Or if you would prefer personalized help with your specific homeschool needs, book a 1:1 Mentor Session with me and I’ll get you all sorted out and on your way to homeschooling with more ease and confidence.

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