Episode 89

In this episode of the podcast, I have 7 tips to help you show up as your best self or switch gears when you’re feeling stressed. I want to encourage you to show up as your best self instead of your stressed self.

Tune in to the episode by tapping the play button above. And follow along with the show notes for highlights and links!

Have a Plan

Tip #1 is to have a simple, doable plan.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, start with a simple success and build from there. Try writing down a simple plan for tomorrow. Then take a moment to feel good about this first doable step.

Remember this formula for the Minimum Viable Homeschool Day: 20 minutes of reading aloud, 20 minutes of math practice, and 20 minutes outdoors. The 20-20-20 Guide is a simple doable plan that’s not likely to fail.

Eliminate Distractions

Tip #2 is to commit to a time chunk to be fully present with your children. Even if it’s just 90 minutes or 2 hours. Turn off all of your notifications, don’t worry about the laundry, the dirty dishes, or anything .

Eliminating distractions can help calm our nervous systems so we can focus and be present. It’s a beautiful gift to give ourselves and our kiddos.

Express Gratitude

Next, tip #3 is to express gratitude. What you focus on, grows!

Here’s my daily gratitude ritual. First, I write three things I’m grateful for each morning in my journal. It takes less than 5 minutes. Then at the end of the day, I write some highlights and what I learned from my day. And I fall asleep naming the things I’m grateful for. Even on my worst days, I can still find something to be grateful for. It feels so good to bookend my days with gratitude.

Ask For Help

Tip #4 is to ask for help. This is hard for many of us!

But as homeschoolers, we are responsible for so many things. Asking for help is super important!

A memorable speaker I once heard said that asking for someone to help is giving them an opportunity to contribute, to be a part of something. So please ask for help ~ from a partner, a child, a friend, a neighbor. Think of yourself as a facilitator of opportunities rather than the one who has to do it all!

Switch Things Up

Tip #5 is to try something different and switch things up, especially if homeschooling starts to feel stale. You might switch up your rhythm and do skills practice first thing in the morning. Or start your day with music. Take the learning outdoors or to a coffee shop. Invite your older children to help the younger ones. There are so many ways you might try shifting gears. Find small ways that can freshen up your homeschool.

Add in a Surprise

Tip #6 is to add in a surprise. This is a great way to switch things up!

Choose one way to surprise your children this week. This might include some new supplies, a special field trip, a picnic, a new read aloud, or a fun meal to celebrate the end of a block or unit of study. Surprises can bring a sense of delight and fun to your homeschool.

Celebrate Your Wins

Finally, tip #7 is to celebrate your wins, no matter how small!

Acknowledging and celebrating our wins helps us stay motivated to keep going. It’s such an important step that we so often overlook when moving right on to the next task.

Imagine how it might feel to take a moment to be proud of what you accomplished today, or in the last week or month. Celebrating your wins really does make a difference in how motivated you are to keep going.

Thanks so much for listening and I hope these 7 tips help you show up as your best self instead of your stressed self in your homeschool.

More from the Art of Homeschooling

If you’re looking for more support, I’d be honored to help. I have a membership community, Inspired at Home and I also offer 1:1 mentor sessions.

You may also enjoy Episode 19 of the podcast if you’re looking for more ease in your homeschool and wanting to believe more in yourself, “Starting Where You Are, Each Time.” Included in the show notes is a set of free printable inspiration cards for you!💜

If you have trouble staying focused and eliminating distractions, have a listen to Episode #66 for 3 ways to stay focused in your homeschool 

And If you’re feeling overwhelmed and alone, be sure to have a listen to Episode #75, “Dear Overwhelmed Homeschool Parent” 

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