Episode 26

For many homeschoolers, the end of your homeschool year is in sight. And sometimes, we tend to lose focus at this time of year as we near the end! Today, I want to give you 3 questions to ask yourself so you can simplify and really focus in on what’s most important this spring. That way, you can finish your homeschooling year strong!

April is the time of year to let go of some of the plans that you know you’re not going to be able to fit in before taking a much needed break for the summer.

And sometimes, we feel so guilty about this! 

Of course, letting go is never easy! 

Rather than fizzling out at the end of your homeschool year, or burning out trying to play catch up, I challenge you to let go with intention. Let go of what you can, so you can simplify and finish your homeschooling year feeling good about all you’ve done this year.

Three Questions to Ask Yourself So You Can Finish Your Homeschooling Year Strong 

Give these questions some consideration, observe your child (or children) over the next few days or week, and spend some time looking ahead to next year or the next step for each child’s schooling journey.

Let go of what you can and recognize the progress you’ve made.

Celebrate all of the little wins along the way, too!

Then regroup and refresh your plans with new focus so you can finish your homeschooling year strong!

Here are three questions to ask yourself so you can make that call:

  1. What developing skills are most important to continue working on through spring? 
  2. What blocks or subjects are most important to bring to a conclusion in order to plan for next year? 
  3. What future plans does your older child have? 

The truth is, we can’t really “catch up” But we can regroup and refresh our plans.

Ask yourself what other loose ends need to be wrapped up this year?

Then let the rest of it go!

And recognize that all of life’s interruptions are usually very educational!

Also, if you want more support for wrapping up your year, I have a wonderful blog article about Creating a Portfolio to Wrap Up Your Homeschool Year

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