Making Time to Rest

Episode 211 The holiday season can be extra crazy for homeschooling families. But along with the preparations and festivities, do you crave a little time to pause and rest? You might feel like it’s not even possible!…

In a Homeschooling Funk?

Episode 203 The homeschooling funk seems to have come early this year for so many homeschoolers I’ve talked with recently. In my experience, the homeschooling funk happens for many of us in February. But this fall has…

Gardening with Children

Episode 186 Gardening with children is so very rewarding and is a topic near and dear to my heart! In this episode of the podcast, I want to encourage you to give gardening with your kiddos a…

Mindful Mothering

Episode 181 As I’m recording this episode of the Art of Homeschooling podcast, Mother’s Day is on the horizon here in the U.S. So in celebration, we’re exploring the idea of mindful mothering. Listen in for three…

Setting Boundaries

Episode 176 Today’s podcast here at the Art of Homeschooling is taking an honest look at setting boundaries. Setting boundaries in a healthy way, with kindness and compassion, takes some practice. It’s often one of the hardest…

Let's Play Games!

Episode 172 Friday night was game night when my kiddos were growing up. It was a much-loved part of our busy week when after dinner we’d say, “Let’s play games!“ As I’m writing this episode of the…

Slowing Down for the Holidays

Episode 162 As the holiday season approaches, the rush to perfect everything from decorations to presents can often overshadow the true essence of this time of year ~ connecting with ourselves and our children. In this episode…