Remember to Celebrate YOU!

Episode 11 I have a gift for you, homeschooling parent. A poem. Because I want you to remember to celebrate YOU. This episode of the Art of Homeschooling podcast has been recorded for the week of Winter…

Practicing Gratitude

Episode 7 Practicing gratitude builds a foundation for resiliency, happiness, and connection. It’s so true! As this episode goes live, it’s the week of Thanksgiving 2020 here in the U.S.  Happy Thanksgiving to those who are celebrating!…

Simplicity Holidays

Episode 6 Do you sometimes wish time would just slow down? I know I sure do. Especially when my kiddos were younger during the holidays, I longed for simplicity holidays. On homeschooling days, I looked forward to…

Celebrating Festivals as a Family

Episode 5 Whenever I ask my kids – I have 3 who are all grown now – to share their favorite memories from our homeschooling years, they always include something from our festival celebrations. Our lantern walks…