Episode 203

The homeschooling funk seems to have come early this year for so many homeschoolers I’ve talked with recently. In my experience, the homeschooling funk happens for many of us in February. But this fall has brought so much hardship for so many that it seems like the funk is here now.

Join me on the Art of Homeschooling Podcast this week for encouragement and practical tips for homeschooling families during times of extra stress and funk.

The Homeschooling Funk

The homeschooling funk refers to a feeling of burn-out or exhaustion when you’d give anything for a change, for a bit of a break.

This funk can be caused by extra stress like moving, job changes, or chronic illness. Also by a tragedy or natural disaster ~ like the recent hurricanes here in the U.S. ~ when life just feels like it will never be the same. Or even contentious politics or wars around the world which all contribute to a sense of heaviness and hopelessness.

And yet…we have children and homeschooling lessons we’re responsible for.

Maybe for you, the funk comes from the fear of not doing enough for, or with, your children. And what if you’ve messed everything up by homeschooling them?

We’ve all experienced some of these circumstances, feelings, thoughts, and fears. 

Looking back on my own homeschooling years, I would often experience a bit of a funk every February from feeling cooped up inside.

But we also had some really challenging years in our family due to circumstances beyond our control.

Like the year I was bedridden during a pregnancy living on IV fluids for months, and then our daughter was born 6 weeks early.

Or the spring my mother-in-law was sick with breast cancer and I took her to most of her appointments. She passed away the week before my boys went to sleep away camp for the first time. And the stress of it all took its toll on me and my health.

Life keeps life-ing, bringing us times of optimism and times of insecurity. 

So what can we do when our family routines are disrupted for any extended period of time and we’re pushed to the edge of our reserves?

What do we do when we’re in a homeschooling funk?

Three Tips for the Homeschooling Funk

Here are three tips for you that come from the lived experiences of homeschooling mamas just like you, so you can be present for your kiddos and take care of yourself.

Switch Things Up

I always start with this idea: “Scale back until it works and then add from there.”

Pushing through rarely works. It’s just our resistance to our circumstances and our attempt to control the situation.

Give yourself permission to switch things up so you can stay present and witness and acknowledge, rather than try to change or fix the situation.

Here are some practical examples:

  • Take an online course with your kiddos.
  • Put aside lesson planning and pick up a colorful, grade-appropriate workbook from the grocery store or local bookstore.
  • Do a page of math after dinner every night.
  • Start your day with a hot bath, followed by games and books snuggled up on the couch with your children.
  • Watch nature documentaries in the afternoons when you all need a break.

Give yourself permission to set aside your rhythm and routine, for now.

Let Go of Worrying, For Now

In times of stress, worries can take over. It can take some conscious thought to set the worries aside.

How? Here are some ideas:

  • Don’t make any big decisions while you’re in a funk. Sometimes just letting go of decision-making can free our minds from worry.
  • Put aside worrying and rumination until a specific time in the future. You could even write on your calendar to circle back to a decision you feel like you need to make. And then let it go for now.
  • Refocus on your values ~ what you hold most dear for your family. Embrace those values that live deep in your heart. And move forward one little baby step at a time.
  • Here’s a great suggestion from Sarah from the Art of Homeschooling team. Sarah says, “When I find myself worrying or ruminating over things I cannot control, I ask myself where I want my energy to go. Do I want to expend energy on worrying, or do I want to save my energy for building resilience and staying present?
  • In her healing meditation on Insight Timer, Sarah Blondin shares this question: “Is this really worth my misery?” After listening to the meditation, I wrote down this affirmation: “I am choosing to set down the anxiety and frustration for now and focus on loving myself.Try this free meditation here.

Get Cozy

Think of simple little practices to help smooth out the chaos. Here are some sweet and simple ideas to foster coziness:

  • Wear comfy clothes all day, even your pajamas. Just like we allow our kiddos to.
  • Simplify your wardrobe for the season or rotate through a capsule wardrobe of a few comfortable favorites.
  • Wear a beanie all day and don’t fuss with your hair.
  • Find some sun! Eat breakfast or lunch in the sun ~ even if it’s just a small square coming in the window.
  • Read a juicy novel.
  • Go to bed early.
  • Hang your bedding outside to freshen up.
  • Sit with your kids.
  • Watch your kids plan and work. Be fully present with them.

Just let the days pass until you can move out of the funk.

Find Joy in the Lively Arts

One last suggestion I’ll leave you with.

All those lively arts we lovingly weave into our homeschool lessons can bring us joy and comfort.

Try choosing just one to experience each day.

Like reading poetry, curling up with a great read-aloud story, or dancing to fun music.

You’ll find 3 songs that offer a prayerful meditation for times of upheaval here: Songs of Peace. When words fail, music speaks.

Let the Homeschooling Funk Pass

I hope these ideas help you as you journey through whatever anxiety or heartbreak you might be experiencing.

Or keep these ideas in your back pocket for some time down the road when you might need them. 

Sometimes we all just need permission to simply be where we are. To acknowledge that this is hard.

And when it’s hard, remember to try some of these tips~ switch things up, let go of worrying for now, and get cozy.

I’m sending you love and strength and peace through the airwaves, from my heart to yours.

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