Episode 160
Welcome, homeschooling parents! Today on the Art of Homeschooling podcast, I dig into a topic that’s sure to make your homeschooling this holiday season a memorable and joyful experience. Transform your holiday homeschooling with these radical tips for homeschooling in December!
Homeschooling during the holidays really can be challenging due to the whirlwind of activities and commitments.
However, it’s also a unique opportunity to deepen learning and connection by embracing a simple structure.
Here’s my radically simple holiday homeschool framework ~ pair a book or story with an engaging, hands-on project.
It’s an easy-to-follow framework that allows for flexibility and creativity, making learning more enjoyable and engaging for your children.
Radical Tips for Homeschooling in December
Listen in to Episode #160 of the podcast (Hint: Tap “Play” above!) to hear all about these three distinct approaches for my simple framework for holiday homeschooling:
- A Festival or Seasonal Focus ~ A festival or seasonal focus is an excellent way to introduce your children to different cultures and traditions. It’s a gateway to understanding cultural richness while sparking their curiosity and connection.
- A Gift-Making Focus ~ On the other hand, a gift-making focus is a fantastic way to instill values of giving, generosity, and gratitude.
- A Passion Focus ~ Lastly, a passion focus is a personalized approach that encourages your child’s enthusiasm and fosters a sense of mastery and accomplishment.
Embrace “Slow Pedagogy” During the Holidays
In this episode of the podcast, I discuss the philosophy of “slow pedagogy”. This is a teaching method that promotes rich learning and connection by slowing down the pace of the lessons.
It’s a principle often used in Scandinavia and Europe, where the focus is on quality over quantity.
I think the holidays offer an exceptional opportunity to embrace slow pedagogy. This method not only reduces stress but also enhances the quality of the learning experiences.
Remember, the goal is not perfection, but connection and meaningful learning.
Embrace the Simplicity
During the month of December inside the Inspired at Home community, we explore this framework with Handwork + Stories. So if you want ideas for beautiful seasonal stories and step-by-step handwork tutorials, come join Inspired at Home where you’ll find a warm, welcoming community of homeschoolers along with group coaching and a treasure trove of over 30 masterclasses!
In conclusion, holiday homeschooling doesn’t have to be overwhelming or stressful. By embracing these radical tips for homeschooling in December, slowing down the pace, and focusing on connection, you can create a joyful and enriching learning experience for your children.
Remember, the aim is to build memories and deepen learning, not strive for perfection. Happy holidays and happy homeschooling!
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